fatihtokus / scan2html

A Trivy plugin that scans and outputs the results (vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more) to an interactive html file.
Apache License 2.0
28 stars 4 forks source link

[CI/CD] Gitlab runner issue #44

Closed niio972 closed 1 month ago

niio972 commented 2 months ago

Hi, First thanks you for this plugin, it helps a lot !

I'm facing to an issue. When I run the plugin install command inside a Gitlab runner job I got this error :

$ trivy plugin -d install github.com/fatihtokus/scan2html
2024-05-06T14:56:39Z    INFO    Installing the plugin...    url="github.com/fatihtokus/scan2html"
2024-05-06T14:56:41Z    INFO    Loading the plugin metadata...
2024-05-06T14:56:41Z    DEBUG   Installing the plugin...    path="/root/.trivy/plugins/scan2html"
2024-05-06T14:56:41Z    DEBUG   Downloading the execution file...   uri="https://github.com/fatihtokus/scan2html/releases/download/v0.2.8/scan2html.tar.gz"
$ trivy -d  plugin list
Installed Plugins:
  Name:    scan2html
  Version: 0.2.8
$ trivy -d  scan2html image ${IMAGE} "index.html"
2024-05-06T14:56:44Z    FATAL   Fatal error plugin error: plugin exec: fork/exec /root/.trivy/plugins/scan2html/scan2html: no such file or directory

PS: I also tried to move basic directory of trivy next to my procject folder by changing XDG_DATA_HOME variable. Can you help me to debug this ? I use a docker:dind image based on alpine system.

fatihtokus commented 2 months ago

Hi @niio972 ,

It is great to hear that the plugin is useful for you. I think I need to add how to use it in alpine linux to the documentation. Recently some other users had similar issue and we figured it up in here.

Please try and let us know the outcome. Can I ask a favour, could you give us a star which will really motivate us? And if you need any new features that can be good in this plugin, please do not hesitate..

Regards, Fatih

niio972 commented 1 month ago

Hi @fatihtokus, Thank you for this reply. The issue 32 fix the Gitlab runner problem.

I give you a star !!

Regards, niio972