iOS SDK 2.0.0 | ChipDNA | Customer name for Apple Pay transaction is still "SWIPE CUSTOMER"
What did I do?
ChipDnaDriver was looking for the transactionSource using the wrong, hardcoded receipt field. I made it so that it uses a variable that ChipDNA has that references the transactionSource
Changed 'Contactless Customer' to 'Mobile Device Customer'
PR notes contain:
[x] Checklist for any deployment dependencies (such as new env vars, back-end dependencies, etc)
PR Checklist:
[x] I tested this
[x] I updated from the base branch (usually latest)
[x] I attached screenshot(s) (if there were UI changes)
[x] I created data-testid attributes for any new UI
[x] I used the following PR title format: "[SPRINT-XX][fat-xx] BLAH"
Add "[EFS]" to the PR title if it was in the ticket title, e.g. "[SPRINT-XX][fat-xx][EFS]"
[x] I looked over the Files Changed tab
[x] I consulted with the ticket's product owner (if necessary)
Ticket MOB-739
What did I do?
PR notes contain:
PR Checklist:
attributes for any new UI