faucetsdn / daq

DEPRECATED -- DAQ (Device Automated Qualification) framework in no longer in use, supported, or maintained. It is here for archival purposes only.
Apache License 2.0
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Discovery Test Resolves wrong Firmware #454

Open jhughesbiot opened 4 years ago

jhughesbiot commented 4 years ago

Could not get some firmware tests to pass one some devices and on inspection, it appears the process by which it reads the firmware defined in the device_type/module_config.json file can get is doing some sort of incorrect processing instead of direct copying into mac_addrs/device/aux/module_config.json.

Defined as: "firmware_version": "104.00.2216\x00"

Result incorrectly failing: |fail|security.firmware|Other|Other|version found: 104.00.2216\x00 Firmware version does not match|

Resolved incorrectly in aux: "firmware_version": "104.00.2216\u0000",

spectre-storm commented 4 years ago

Hi Jonathan, is this issue still valid?

I'm assigning ARUP to check how they see it in their device

spectre-storm commented 3 years ago

Hi @pisuke and @noursaidi do you see this behavior on your device?