faunalia / HealthQGIS

A simplified QGIS for health mapping
GNU General Public License v3.0
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3.2 Basics around maps #19

Open ghtmtt opened 10 years ago

ghtmtt commented 10 years ago
pcav commented 10 years ago

If basic functions are not clear enough, this can be solved by an appropriate help or manual

ghtmtt commented 10 years ago

I think that angles measurement is not necessary so I'll not document it (but I cannot drop it from the gui)

ghtmtt commented 10 years ago

All the data are projected in EPSG 4326: how should we manage metric distance measurement?

pcav commented 10 years ago

Probably better reproject or convert everything to 3857

ghtmtt commented 10 years ago

Natural earth layer of all countries cannot be reprojected in 3857 as long as south pole "exists". Once deleted it no reprojection problems. See here for more info http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/44055/why-do-i-get-failed-to-transform-when-reprojecting-from-wgs84-to-google-mercat

ghtmtt commented 10 years ago

Able to manage metric distances in 4326. Natural earth is in 4326 and the data they sent us also are in 4326. I'd keep (for now) all the layer in this CRS. We can reproject all the layer in a second moment. BTW: if we use SpatiaLite is there a problem to use 3857?

pcav commented 10 years ago

ok for 4326 for now (it may cause problems with buffer anyway). No problem for 3857 in SL AFAIK