faune / homebridge-grohe-sense

Grohe Ondus Sense
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 4 forks source link

temperetaure always shows 0° #45

Closed jojo76760 closed 5 months ago

jojo76760 commented 9 months ago

Hi, I'm new in github and I want first to say thank you for the plugin and sorry for my english (I'm french...). I'm not an apple-ios user, I installed homebridge plugin in jeedom, I use grohe-sense (ondus) and gsh plugin in homebridge and I add homebridge device to google home app. Like that I'm able to get all my domotic in google home app. I was happy when I found the ondus homebridge plugin because there is no jeedom plugin to manage directly my grohe sense guard and I really want to manage it with all my domotic with only one app. My problem is that the temperature always shows 0°. Here the log :

_[12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] Triggered GET LeakDetected: [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] getApplianceInfo(): Retrieving info about locationID=1381797 roomID=1205750 applianceID=83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5 [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] getURL(): GET: https://idp2-apigw.cloud.grohe.com/v3/iot/locations/1381797/rooms/1205750/appliances/83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5/notifications 2023-12-08T21:08:35.126Z superagent GET https://idp2-apigw.cloud.grohe.com/v3/iot/locations/1381797/rooms/1205750/appliances/83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5/notifications [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] Triggered GET CurrentTemperature [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] Updating temperature, flowrate, and pressure levels [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] getApplianceInfo(): Retrieving info about locationID=1381797 roomID=1205750 applianceID=83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5 [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] getURL(): GET: https://idp2-apigw.cloud.grohe.com/v3/iot/locations/1381797/rooms/1205750/appliances/83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5/data?from=2023-12-08 2023-12-08T21:08:35.129Z superagent GET https://idp2-apigw.cloud.grohe.com/v3/iot/locations/1381797/rooms/1205750/appliances/83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5/data?from=2023-12-08 [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] Triggered GET Active [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] Retrieving main water inlet valve state [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] getURL(): GET: https://idp2-apigw.cloud.grohe.com/v3/iot/locations/1381797/rooms/1205750/appliances/83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5/command 2023-12-08T21:08:35.227Z superagent GET https://idp2-apigw.cloud.grohe.com/v3/iot/locations/1381797/rooms/1205750/appliances/83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5/data?from=2023-12-08 -> 404 2023-12-08T21:08:35.230Z superagent GET https://idp2-apigw.cloud.grohe.com/v3/iot/locations/1381797/rooms/1205750/appliances/83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5/command [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] Unable to update temperature: getURL(): Unexpected server response: Error: Not Found 2023-12-08T21:08:35.286Z superagent GET https://idp2-apigw.cloud.grohe.com/v3/iot/locations/1381797/rooms/1205750/appliances/83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5/notifications -> 200 [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] handleLeakDetectedGet().getApplianceNotifications() API RSP: "[{"appliance_id":"83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5","id":"ec0664f8-da8c-471b-ad4b-6044b980f707","category":10,"is_read":true,"timestamp":"1970-01-01T01:33:43.000+01:00","type":460,"threshold_quantity":"no","thresholdtype":"no"}]" [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] Processing 1 notifications ... [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] 1970-01-01T01:33:43.000+01:00 => Firmware update available 2023-12-08T21:08:35.530Z superagent GET https://idp2-apigw.cloud.grohe.com/v3/iot/locations/1381797/rooms/1205750/appliances/83f00b07-83a9-4c74-857f-a2ef4087f2e5/command -> 200 [12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] Main water inlet valve is open

I always get an error with temperature refreshing : "Unable to update temperature: getURL(): Unexpected server response: Error: Not Found". SHFT mode is enabled and I saw another strange thing : "[12/8/2023, 9:08:35 PM] [Ondus] [MON GUARD] 1970-01-01T01:33:43.000+01:00 => Firmware update available". Indeed, system is up to date when I check with grohe sense app and the date seems really strange (1970!). Finally there is a difference of one hour between the logs time and the real time. I first though there were a problem with a missing dependency but I saw in logs superagent were present. After that I though It may be because I'm using login/password credentials and not a refresh token but API connexion seems OK too. I hope you will be able to help me. Thank you.

jojo76760 commented 9 months ago

Hi, In my last message I forgot something... I'm not able to see water pressure, even in logs and when I connect homebridge to google home with gsh homebridge plugin only the temperature is displayed (0° like in homebridge). Thanks

jojo76760 commented 9 months ago

Hi, Just for information, I tested with refresh token but same results like with username/password. I saw there is a custon component in home assistant to manage grohe sens guard, so I decided to test. I installed a HA OS VM and installed the custom component but same results, I can control the valve (like with the grohe-sense homebridge plugin) but I can't get pressure and temp values. I think there is something changed since last firmware but what!?

jojo76760 commented 9 months ago

Hi, For information I continued my research for a way to manage my grohe-sense guard and I found topics about node-red integration. I installed node-red custom component and node-red companion addon in HAOS in order to import a .json flow I found. It works fine to control the valve (like the ondus plugin for homebridge and the grohe-sense custom component for HA) and I get some values but... Only the temp value match the one I get in grohe-sense app, the pressure one don't. Really strange!

faune commented 7 months ago

Hi, it seems Grohe changed their REST api for temp. Need to investigate this and release a new version

faune commented 5 months ago

Fixed in v1.5.1, please test and report.