fauno / jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats

Use pandoc on jekyll to generate posts in multiple formats. Development has moved to https://0xacab.org/edsl/jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats
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Quiet Failure for Non-HTML Outputs #19

Open mecrouch opened 8 years ago

mecrouch commented 8 years ago

Would really love to be able to use this plugin, but I can't seem to get it to build any of the non-HTML outputs. Whenever I run jekyll build with the following config file options, the HTML site builds correctly, but nothing happens for the other outputs.

gems: [ 'jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats' ]

markdown: pandoc

  skip: false
  output: test
  flags: '--smart '
  site_flags: '--toc'

Gets me this:

Configuration file: _dev-config.yml
            Source: C:/Users/jsmith/git/project/docs/
       Destination: C:/project/
 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.

Seems like the plugin is working to some extent, because I do get an error message if I set the 'flags' to:

flags: '--smart --bibliography=ref.bib'
Configuration file: _dev-config.yml
            Source: C:/Users/jsmith/git/project/docs/
       Destination: C:/project/
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
pandoc-citeproc.exe: Could not find ref.bib
pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc
Filter returned error status 1
 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.

Any advice? I'm using Jekyll v2.5.3 and Pandoc v1.15.0.6, and Pandoc is available in my PATH.

fauno commented 8 years ago

which other formats have you tried?

mecrouch commented 8 years ago

The ones from your example (epub and pdf) plus a handful of others (html5, textile, rtf), but markdown is really the main one I'm interested in.

fauno commented 8 years ago

what version is the gem you're using? i think we haven't release one in a while... can you try using the git version?

mecrouch commented 8 years ago

I was using version 0.0.7 of the jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats gem, so I think I was already up to date. But I uninstalled and reinstalled from the cloned repository using the following commands:

gem build jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats.gemspec
gem install --local jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats-0.0.7.gem

But I'm still experiencing the quiet failure to build the non-HTML formats.

fauno commented 8 years ago

i mean use the plugin from git instead of the gem


mecrouch commented 8 years ago

Meaning copying jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats.rb into the _plugins folder in my project and removing the gems: [...] line from my config file? If so, this seems to be giving me the same problem as the gem.

ddavidebor commented 8 years ago

Same problem here

Ninoninoninonino commented 8 years ago

I changed the path in the Sublime text - Pandown settings yet still get the error "pandoc-citeproc: Could not find .../references.bib pandoc: Error running filter pandoc-citeproc Filter returned error status 1 " Maybe this is a similar problem?

fauno commented 8 years ago

Ninoninoninonino notifications@github.com writes:

I changed the path in the Sublime text - Pandown settings yet still get the error "pandoc-citeproc: Could not find .../references.bib

that means you're using the --bibliography flag and it points to a file that doesn't exist

please check https://github.com/edsl/edsl-as-platform for a ready to go configuration for this plugin


Ninoninoninonino commented 8 years ago

Thanks but this is beyond me. What am I supposed to do with this? Is it a substitute for Pandown? It doesn't pop up in Sublime Text package install ..

Ninoninoninonino commented 8 years ago

I deleted the pandoc-config.json in my current project folder and everything worked again!