fauno / jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats

Use pandoc on jekyll to generate posts in multiple formats. Development has moved to https://0xacab.org/edsl/jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats
88 stars 28 forks source link

cant install #27

Closed tomasparks closed 7 years ago

tomasparks commented 7 years ago

help I cant install I get "ERROR: Could not find a valid gem './jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats.gem' (>= 0) in any repository" :(

git clone https://github.com/fauno/jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats.git Cloning into 'jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats'... remote: Counting objects: 453, done. remote: Total 453 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 453 Receiving objects: 100% (453/453), 157.58 KiB | 111.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (229/229), done. Checking connectivity... done. tom@tom-HP-Pavilion-10-TS-Notebook-PC:~/Downloads/jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats-master/jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats$ gem build "./jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats.gemspec" WARNING: open-ended dependency on jekyll (>= 0) is not recommended if jekyll is semantically versioned, use: add_runtime_dependency 'jekyll', '~> 0' WARNING: See http://guides.rubygems.org/specification-reference/ for help Successfully built RubyGem Name: jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats Version: 0.0.7 File: jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats-0.0.7.gem tom@tom-HP-Pavilion-10-TS-Notebook-PC:~/Downloads/jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats-master/jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats$ gem install --local "./jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats.gem" ERROR: Could not find a valid gem './jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats.gem' (>= 0) in any repository


fauno commented 7 years ago

tomasparks notifications@github.com writes:

File: jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats-0.0.7.gem

you're missing the version number from the file name (try using the tab key to autocomplete ;)


tomasparks commented 7 years ago
