faustedition / faust-gen-html

Pipelines to generate HTML for the Faust edition's reading texts and prints.
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ambiguous rule match when rendering inline app #597

Closed thvitt closed 5 years ago

thvitt commented 5 years ago

ERROR: err:XTRE0540:Ambiguous rule match for /f:evidence/l[1]/del[1] Matches both del[f:only-child(., restore)]|restore[f:only-child(., del)] on line 190 of file:/var/www/faust-gen/target/xproc/xslt/apparatus.xsl and del[@f:revType='instant'] on line 70 of file:/var/www/faust-gen/target/xproc/xslt/apparatus.xsl

thvitt commented 5 years ago

mich: <del xmlns:f="http://www.faustedition.net/ns" f:revType="instant" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"><restore change="#verband_l_8851" f:revType="soon">mich</restore></del>

ähnlich, aber kein einzelkind:

thvitt commented 5 years ago

The case is now rendered as follows to make clear it’s an instant revision: selection_017