Open Su9m7 opened 8 years ago
Good question. Not sure by when the new API will be released, but is PoGoM still under development?
I think so
Would be great. I like PoGoM, is my favorit app.
Wait it there a app for pogom
the new api is live, lets hope it gets implemented soon!
yes please, pogom is the best scanner out there
If you are running on a 64bit version of linux, such as ubuntu, try this: It isn't using the latest api since no one has 0.45.0 re'd yet.
Thx for that Paralysing, now just need to figure out how to get rid of the rate limited errors
Already patched for 0.45.0, will apply a few patches that I use on my website to minimize empty responses. I would also recommend using a lot of accounts.
Paralysing, a Windows version would be very nice. Would that be possible?
Yes, I'll see what I can do, shouldn't be too hard.
@Su9m7 Could you try to use
Yes, i will check it :)
Console crashes after starting it. Do I have to install the requirements.txt again or anything else?
Any specific error messages? Are you on a 64bit version of windows?
Yes 64bit Windows. Tried it on 2 pc's. Cant read anything on the console, it crashes too fast
I'll check if there are any issues.
Added a patch for library path, could you replace the contents of pogom/ with or pulling the latest version?
Also, try running the program in cmd with the command "c:\python27\python.exe" instead of double clicking.
Windows instructions:
Stuck at this
Go to localhost:5000 in a browser and configure the map, the rest is exactly the same as the old pogom.
Working, thanks a lot, you legend
btw would it be possible to implement pushbullet notifications?
Should be fine if you want to implement it yourself, that PR doesn't affect the api, so there shouldn't be any conflicts.
It crashes after the changes, error message says its because of the changes in Do you have any idea how to solve that? :/
I'll implement it myself and check, might be because that PR is based off a very old version of pogom, but I'll need to test it first.
I got a running application, but I don't have a pushbullet key, could you try the "pushbullet-test" tree (
@Su9m7 Does the "pushbullet-test" branch work?
Sorry, still testing, propably not
the pushbullet key is old, creating a new one and i will test it again
Also, remember to change the "mobilealert = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}" in to the actual things you want to be alerted about.
Working, checked that before and added Pidgey to test. The PB key was too old
Again, thanks a lot @Paralysing
No problem.
getting nttn but rate limit, new accounts, new key. ideas?
Softban maybe? Only tested it with 4 Locations and 2 accounts over the night without any problems. How many locations and accounts do u use?
managed to get this installed but it wont scan. when I click on the map nothing happens, I don't get a pin point.
also it says on the setting page "no scans yet"
Any Ideas?
@MartynTech Could you try going to localhost:5000/login?
Also, there was a banwave earlier in the day, make sure the accounts you use aren't banned.
I can login to the config page okay.
I only created the accounts with ptc-acc-gen about an hour ago so they shouldn't be banned.
So your only issue is that when you click on the map, no pin appears?
yes, no pin appears and no scans take place.
Could you go to the config.json and try adding {"latitude": (your latitude here), "altitude": 0, "radius": 200, "location": "(your latitude here),-(your longitude here)", "longitude": (your longitude here)} in SCAN_LOCATIONS?
Ex: "SCAN_LOCATIONS": [{"latitude": (your latitude here), "altitude": 0, "radius": 200, "location": "(your latitude here),-(your longitude here)", "longitude": (your longitude here)}]
Forgot that I kept the "-" in, {"latitude": (your latitude here), "altitude": 0, "radius": 200, "location": "(your latitude here),(your longitude here)", "longitude": (your longitude here)} should work.
okay, I get a point in my area now however I still cannot move the area to search.
Also I get errors saying that its rate limited. no Pokémon are found either.
Not sure what's wrong with the point, have you done any modifications? Also can you redownload map.js in the static folder? The rate limits are caused by scanning too fast and having too little accounts. Since pogom was made for scanning fast, you will need a decent amount of accounts to prevent being rate limited.
I greatly improved the rate limit issue by adding the following: - Line 84 - time.sleep(1)
This adds a 1 second delay between each scan attempt.
FYI, I have 26 account scanning a 1km area. Also ensure all accounts have been logged in via the official mobile app and have completed the initial training and chosen a nickname, this all help to look less "bot'y"
How many account do you use? I've got only
2016-11-15 17:16:48,078 [ models] [WARNING] Received valid response but without any data. Possibly rate-limited?
Using approximately 100 accounts to scan my city, I'm assuming you're on the 0.45.0 version.
My Issue
Is there anyway to implement the new api into the pogom scanner? My coding skills aren't high enough to understand the scanner's code or to edit the code.