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Add Rashad Khalifa's translation #35

Open Draxhtar opened 1 year ago

Draxhtar commented 1 year ago

Can you please add it, English Quran translation by native arabic speaker.


fawazahmed0 commented 1 year ago

Please see this

Draxhtar commented 1 year ago

You should give the people the freedom to choose among the translations, if someone wishes to use the Rashad Khalifa's translation which is a very important one, that should be added.

Draxhtar commented 1 year ago

2:256 No Compulsion in Religion

Draxhtar commented 1 year ago

This is not impartial or equitable

fawazahmed0 commented 1 year ago

Salam alaykum brother, I am not being impartial here. After you have asked me the first time

You should give the people the freedom to choose

I saw this complete video and the channel is a pro rashad khalifa . I did this to avoid being unjust.

The issue I find in that video is that, he considered the quran to have mistakes and he had his own version of quran, in which he removed few words and verses because he considered those words/verses to be added later. He found the mistakes in quran using some mathematical formula.

I cannot add his translation because it may contain his personal opinions

Draxhtar commented 1 year ago

Peace be upon you

I appreciate that you check it out and try to be just.

You have some misunderstandings. He never says quran has mistakes, those verses are not from the quran they were added. And they are not his personal opinions, he is a messenger of God. [21:27] They never speak on their own, and they strictly follow His commands.

You may agree or not agree with these but it would not be equitable to pick out translations according to your personal opinions. I invite you to do the righteous.

Shaeikh commented 1 year ago

Peace be upon you

I appreciate that you check it out and try to be just.

You have some misunderstandings. He never says quran has mistakes, those verses are not from the quran they were added. And they are not his personal opinions, he is a messenger of God. [21:27] They never speak on their own, and they strictly follow His commands.

You may agree or not agree with these but it would not be equitable to pick out translations according to your personal opinions. I invite you to do the righteous.

Qur'an dosent need any of the translator's persnol opinion Word of God dosent need a creations of his opinion