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Issue regarding using the uthmanic-hafs1-ver14.ttf font on ara-quranuthmanihaf.json #38

Closed mohalibou closed 1 year ago

mohalibou commented 1 year ago

I am attempting to use the uthmanic-hafs1-ver14.ttf font with the ara-quranuthmanihaf.json data for the Quran.

However, there doesn't seem to be some characters that are formatting to the proper font correctly. Please see my example below.

Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 2 18 27 PM

The arrows point to unicode characters that don't follow the proper font style. Am I using the incorrect font? Is there another json file I should be using instead when using the hafs Quran?


fawazahmed0 commented 1 year ago

You can use any other arabic unicode font

Extra information: uthmanic-hafs1-ver14.ttf is released by quran complex. But it was not following proper unicode standards. I modified few things in those fonts to follow unicode standards. This modification caused improper positioning of few characters.

mohalibou commented 1 year ago

I'm confused.

You claimed to modify the uthmanic-hafs1-ver14.ttf font to fit unicode standards. ara-quranuthmanihaf.json already follows the unicode standard.

Therefore, shouldn't the standardized font work with the standardized json properly? Am I missing something?

fawazahmed0 commented 1 year ago

You claimed to modify the uthmanic-hafs1-ver14.ttf font to fit unicode standards


ara-quranuthmanihaf.json already follows the unicode standard

I converted the text provided by quran complex to fit unicode standards and that's why ara-quranuthmanihaf.json is in unicode standard.

The issue mentioned by you is a positioning issue, which is related to font. You can use any other unicode font to fix this issue.

mohalibou commented 1 year ago

Ah, so you modified both uthmanic-hafs1-ver14.ttf and ara-quranuthmanihaf.json to fit unicode standards?

fawazahmed0 commented 1 year ago

Ah, so you modified both uthmanic-hafs1-ver14.ttf and ara-quranuthmanihaf.json to fit unicode standards? yes

mohalibou commented 1 year ago


In that case, I have a clarifying question. In the editions.json file, you provide these comments with regards to using the ara-quranuthmanihaf.json text:

Please use the quran complex Uthamnic fonts to view this text properly, The following characters were replaced (to open fathatan,dammatan and kasratan) to conform to unicode standard,'ٖ'(u+0656)->'ࣲ'(u+08f2),'ٗ'(u+0657)->'ࣰ'(u+08f0),'ٞ'(u+065E)->'ࣱ'(u+08f1) , Please use Quran complex Uthamnic hafs fonts with full suffix to view this text properly

When you said to "use Quran complex Uthamnic hafs fonts with full suffix," I was under the impression you were referring to the uthmanic-hafs1-ver14.ttf font. Is this incorrect? If so, which font is this comment referring to?

fawazahmed0 commented 1 year ago

Yes i was referring to uthmanic-hafs1-ver14.ttf. But you can use any other unicode font. For example in my windows 11, in notepad++, this is how it looks like: Screenshot (67)

fawazahmed0 commented 1 year ago

And this is how it looks like in arial font: Screenshot (68)

mohalibou commented 1 year ago

Ok, so I've tried every single uthmani hafs font the API provides, and I am still running into the same problem. Please see the image below, and I will demonstrate the problem I'm having.

Screenshot 2022-12-02 at 8 10 09 PM

I'm only showing two fonts, but I've tried seven in total, and all of them do either one of the two things I'm showing in the above image. The fonts will either show the incorrect font and not be positioned correctly, or it will show the correct font, but still not be positioned correctly. I'm sure you can notice the difference. If you want a demonstration of all the fonts, I have created a GitHub repo you can download where I try all the uthmani hafs fonts I could find.


None of the fonts seem to give the desired result, like in the below image:

Screenshot 2022-12-02 at 8 43 38 PM
fawazahmed0 commented 1 year ago

All the quran complex fonts available in my api has this positioning issue. I cannot fix these issues as I am not a font developer. You can try using fonts provided by khaledhosny and if you find any issue with his fonts, you can raise a issue at his repository (he should be able to fix it, as he is a font developer)

mohalibou commented 1 year ago

Thank you, this was the clarification I was looking for.

Are there other fonts in the API that don't have this positioning issue that you recommend?

fawazahmed0 commented 1 year ago

Thank you, this was the clarification I was looking for.

Are there other fonts in the API that don't have this positioning issue that you recommend?

I don't know, I haven't tested those fonts. But You can try this website