im trying to loop through a list of of activity Id's to compile a table of all my activity streams ..
it will read the first one from the list and then when i get to the second id it gives me the following error
[1] 3019821xxx
Error in get_streams(stoken, id = ., request = "activities", types = types, :
Not Found (HTTP 404).
to make sure it is showing the correct project id i get it to print it into the console first as you can see above. im not sure if this error is a user error (im new to R) or a limitation of get_activity_streams
but any help with this would be great.. thanks here is my code.
`# load packages ####
library(rStrava) # devtools::install_github('fawda123/rStrava')
library(gganimate) # devtools::install_github('dgrtwo/gganimate')
# Strava key
app_name <-
app_client_id <-
app_secret <-
Account_ID <- # get this from URL when on my profile in strava
# create strava token
stoken <- httr::config(token = strava_oauth(app_name, app_client_id, app_secret, app_scope="activity:read_all"))
#----------------------------------------------------- COLLECT DATA -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Athlete Personal Info
myinfo <- get_athlete(stoken, id = Account_ID)
myinfo[myinfo == "NULL"] <- 0
# get activity list for user..
my_acts <- get_activity_list(stoken) # Raw data dump
acts_data <- compile_activities(my_acts) # Sort the data out
# get streams for the first activity in my_acts
Activities_ID <- (acts_data[23])
N <- nrow(Activities_ID) #list legnth
i1 <- 1
#print(i1) # print row number
id_x <- (i[i1])
print(id_x) # print id
strms_data <- get_activity_streams(my_acts, stoken, id = id_x)
i1 = i1 + 1 # incremtent up by 1
if (i1 > 2){ # less the list length
im trying to loop through a list of of activity Id's to compile a table of all my activity streams ..
it will read the first one from the list and then when i get to the second id it gives me the following error [1] 3019821xxx Error in get_streams(stoken, id = ., request = "activities", types = types, : Not Found (HTTP 404).
to make sure it is showing the correct project id i get it to print it into the console first as you can see above. im not sure if this error is a user error (im new to R) or a limitation of get_activity_streams
but any help with this would be great.. thanks here is my code.