fawda123 / rStrava

Functions to access data from Strava's v3 API.
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maptype argument does not have an effect #95

Closed kondofersky closed 1 year ago

kondofersky commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

awesome package, thanks!

I noticed that the maptype argument in get_heat_map does not have an effect. I think it somehow does not get passed to the ggmap function because using ggmap by itself changes the maptype.

Here is what I used: get_heat_map(act_data %>% slice(3), key = google_key, size = 2, distlab = F, col = 'Spectral', add_elev = T, f = 0.4, alpha = 1, maptype = 'watercolor') get_heat_map(act_data %>% slice(3), key = google_key, size = 2, distlab = F, col = 'Spectral', add_elev = T, f = 0.4, alpha = 1, maptype = 'satellite') get_heat_map(act_data %>% slice(3), key = google_key, size = 2, distlab = F, col = 'Spectral', add_elev = T, f = 0.4, alpha = 1, maptype = 'roadmap')

They all produced the same plot. grafik

As I said, those two give different (as expected) results: ggmap(get_map(maptype = 'watercolor')) ggmap(get_map(maptype = 'roadmap'))

To make the example fully reproducable, you would need an act_data object. I can send one if desired but probably you have enough.

Thanks for looking into it!

fawda123 commented 1 year ago

@kondofersky sorry about that, the source argument was missing from the call to get_map. Should be fixed now, just install the dev version and try again.

kondofersky commented 1 year ago

Hi @fawda123 and thanky ou for your reply! Sorry for asking again, but how do I install the dev version?

Tried with remotes::install_github('fawda123/rStrava') but no luck...

fawda123 commented 1 year ago

@kondofersky the install_github function should work. What errors are you seeing?

kondofersky commented 1 year ago

Hi @fawda123

I am not seeing any errors but still having the same behaviour as in the original post. maptype argument does not change the map.

Currently I have rStrava version installed. And in the description file I also see the time of package build: 2023-01-31. So I guess, I have the correct package.

Apparantely the argument still does not get passed I guess?

So, for example: get_heat_map(last_act, key = google_key, size = 2, distlab = F, col = 'OrRd', add_elev = T, f = 0.1, alpha = 1, maptype = 'satellite') is no different from get_heat_map(last_act, key = google_key, size = 2, distlab = F, col = 'OrRd', add_elev = T, f = 0.1, alpha = 1, maptype = 'watercolor')

But plotting directly in get_map() does produce the different map styles, e.g.: ggmap(get_map(c(-97.14667, 31.5493), maptype = 'satellite')) ggmap(get_map(c(-97.14667, 31.5493), maptype = 'watercolor'))

This holds through for any maptype argument I tried.

Thanks for your help!

fawda123 commented 1 year ago

Hi @kondofersky, are you using the source argument (satellite is "google", default, others are "stamen")? These all work for me:

get_heat_map(my_acts, acts = 1, key = google_key, maptype = 'satellite', f = 0.7)


get_heat_map(my_acts, acts = 1, key = google_key, maptype = 'terrain', source = 'stamen', f = 0.5)


get_heat_map(my_acts, acts = 1, key = google_key, maptype = 'watercolor', source = 'stamen', f = 0.5)
