faye / faye-websocket-ruby

Standards-compliant WebSocket client and server
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1s+ latency running on puma? #117

Open thesecretmaster opened 5 years ago

thesecretmaster commented 5 years ago

Using this gem with puma and a very simple rack middleware, I was noticing up to 2 seconds of latency between when the server logged that a WS message had been sent and when a browser actually logged receiving it. This can't be due to network latency, because I'm running this on my local computer and I still see the latency.

However, when I switch thin in, the latency is gone, and messages are received within a few ms. How can I go about troubleshooting this issue with puma? Any recommendations?

thesecretmaster commented 5 years ago

Update: After some debugging, I've realized that this only occurs when I configure pinging, either with Faye::WebSocket.new(env, ping:5) or with an EM periodic timer. It runs fine in thin, but in puma it causes latency up to the ping time. Maybe I misunderstand how pinging works in the WS protocol, but it shouldn't cause this sort of latency? Could this be a puma bug?

thesecretmaster commented 5 years ago

Update 2: This seems like a puma bug that won't get fixed around eventmachine+puma, at least based on this issue: https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/issues/1035#issue-106346762

jcoglan commented 4 years ago

As this is an issue in Puma and they're not fixing it, is there anything we can do on this repo? Faye::WebSocket schedules its work on the EventMachine reactor, which should be using different threads from Puma, so I'm not sure why this blocking effect is happening. Does anyone have more information?

ujifgc commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. Experiencing delay up to ping time if ping is defined. No delay if ping is not set in options.

Using puma 5.6.4

BastienBabar commented 2 years ago

I am facing the exact same issue as well, no ping defined, no delay, but when I defined a ping, the delay happens, although it is really not consistent because sometimes there is also no delay. This ping is needed when using a load balancer with an idle timeout.

Also using Puma 5.6.4, but the version does not seem to matter, I also had the issue with 4.3.4.

I see some suggestions to handle a custom ping implementation on the client side, but that doesn't look very clean to me with Javascript. Any idea how to handle that on the server side?

jcoglan commented 2 years ago

I'm not actually able to reproduce this. Running puma v5.6.4, I have tried adding the following to examples/app.rb before the onmessage handler to make the server keep sending messages:

    EM.add_periodic_timer(1) do
      ws.send('periodic message') if ws

Running the server with ruby examples/server.rb 7000 '' puma, and then the client with ruby examples/client.rb 'ws://', the messages show up on the client as expected, even though the server has ping: 5 which would delay the messages it's sending according to this report. This makes me feel like the source of latency isn't in this setup itself but in some other resource that your application, Puma, and its thread pool are competing over.

If it can't be fixed, probably the best thing is to add application-level ping either from the server or client. Many application protocols need to do this anyway because their logic is independent of the WebSocket protocol. The WebSocket ping is just a best-effort mechanism to keep the connection alive, so it's not disconnected due to lack of TCP activity.

BastienBabar commented 2 years ago

I'm not actually able to reproduce this. Running puma v5.6.4, I have tried adding the following to examples/app.rb before the onmessage handler to make the server keep sending messages:

    EM.add_periodic_timer(1) do
      ws.send('periodic message') if ws

Running the server with ruby examples/server.rb 7000 '' puma, and then the client with ruby examples/client.rb 'ws://', the messages show up on the client as expected, even though the server has ping: 5 which would delay the messages it's sending according to this report. This makes me feel like the source of latency isn't in this setup itself but in some other resource that your application, Puma, and its thread pool are competing over.

If it can't be fixed, probably the best thing is to add application-level ping either from the server or client. Many application protocols need to do this anyway because their logic is independent of the WebSocket protocol. The WebSocket ping is just a best-effort mechanism to keep the connection alive, so it's not disconnected due to lack of TCP activity.

I have made a similar test than you (on my running application though) without the ping option and adding:

EM.add_periodic_timer(5) do
  websocket.send('ping') # websocket.ping('ping') has same effect

Same behaviour, all messages are sent right after the time the ping is sent, and it happens consistently. No delay happens if I remove this custom ping.

Using faye v 0.11.1 Here is my Gemfile.lock if it can help:

  remote: https://rubygems.org/
    activemodel (
      activesupport (=
    activerecord (
      activemodel (=
      activesupport (=
    activesupport (
      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
      i18n (>= 0.7, < 2)
      minitest (~> 5.1)
      tzinfo (~> 1.1)
      zeitwerk (~> 2.2, >= 2.2.2)
    addressable (2.8.0)
      public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
    ast (2.4.2)
    aws-eventstream (1.2.0)
    aws-partitions (1.584.0)
    aws-sdk-core (3.130.2)
      aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
      aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.525.0)
      aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
      jmespath (~> 1.0)
    aws-sdk-kms (1.56.0)
      aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
      aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
    aws-sdk-s3 (1.114.0)
      aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
      aws-sdk-kms (~> 1)
      aws-sigv4 (~> 1.4)
    aws-sdk-sqs (1.24.0)
      aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.71.0)
      aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
    aws-sigv4 (1.5.0)
      aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
    brakeman (5.2.3)
    builder (3.2.4)
    bundler-audit (0.6.1)
      bundler (>= 1.2.0, < 3)
      thor (~> 0.18)
    byebug (11.1.3)
    coderay (1.1.3)
    concurrent-ruby (1.1.10)
    crack (0.4.5)
    database_cleaner (2.0.1)
      database_cleaner-active_record (~> 2.0.0)
    database_cleaner-active_record (2.0.1)
      activerecord (>= 5.a)
      database_cleaner-core (~> 2.0.0)
    database_cleaner-core (2.0.1)
    diff-lcs (1.5.0)
    docile (1.4.0)
    domain_name (0.5.20190701)
      unf (>= 0.0.5, < 1.0.0)
    dry-configurable (0.15.0)
      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
      dry-core (~> 0.6)
    dry-container (0.9.0)
      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
      dry-configurable (~> 0.13, >= 0.13.0)
    dry-core (0.7.1)
      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
    dry-inflector (0.2.1)
    dry-logic (1.2.0)
      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
      dry-core (~> 0.5, >= 0.5)
    dry-types (1.5.1)
      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
      dry-container (~> 0.3)
      dry-core (~> 0.5, >= 0.5)
      dry-inflector (~> 0.1, >= 0.1.2)
      dry-logic (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
    elastic-apm (3.6.0)
      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
      http (>= 3.0)
    eventmachine (1.2.7)
    excon (0.92.3)
    factory_bot (6.2.1)
      activesupport (>= 5.0.0)
    faraday (1.0.1)
      multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
    faye-websocket (0.11.1)
      eventmachine (>= 0.12.0)
      websocket-driver (>= 0.5.1)
    ffi (1.15.5)
    formatador (1.1.0)
    fuubar (2.5.1)
      rspec-core (~> 3.0)
      ruby-progressbar (~> 1.4)
    grape (1.3.3)
      dry-types (>= 1.1)
      mustermann-grape (~> 1.0.0)
      rack (>= 1.3.0)
    grape-entity (0.8.2)
      activesupport (>= 3.0.0)
      multi_json (>= 1.3.2)
    grape-swagger (1.1.0)
      grape (~> 1.3.0)
    grape-swagger-entity (0.4.0)
      grape-entity (>= 0.5.0)
      grape-swagger (>= 1.0.0)
    guard (2.18.0)
      formatador (>= 0.2.4)
      listen (>= 2.7, < 4.0)
      lumberjack (>= 1.0.12, < 2.0)
      nenv (~> 0.1)
      notiffany (~> 0.0)
      pry (>= 0.13.0)
      shellany (~> 0.0)
      thor (>= 0.18.1)
    guard-compat (1.2.1)
    guard-rspec (4.7.3)
      guard (~> 2.1)
      guard-compat (~> 1.1)
      rspec (>= 2.99.0, < 4.0)
    hashdiff (1.0.1)
    http (4.1.1)
      addressable (~> 2.3)
      http-cookie (~> 1.0)
      http-form_data (~> 2.0)
      http_parser.rb (~> 0.6.0)
    http-cookie (1.0.4)
      domain_name (~> 0.5)
    http-form_data (2.3.0)
    http_parser.rb (0.6.0)
    i18n (0.9.5)
      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
    jmespath (1.6.1)
    json (2.6.1)
    listen (3.7.1)
      rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
      rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
    lumberjack (1.2.8)
    mailchimp-api (2.0.7)
      excon (>= 0.16.0)
      json (>= 1.7.7)
    method_source (1.0.0)
    mime-types (3.4.1)
      mime-types-data (~> 3.2015)
    mime-types-data (3.2022.0105)
    minitest (5.15.0)
    multi_json (1.15.0)
    multipart-post (2.1.1)
    mustermann (1.1.1)
      ruby2_keywords (~> 0.0.1)
    mustermann-grape (1.0.2)
      mustermann (>= 1.0.0)
    mysql2 (0.5.4)
    nenv (0.3.0)
    nio4r (2.5.8)
    notiffany (0.1.3)
      nenv (~> 0.1)
      shellany (~> 0.0)
    parallel (1.22.1)
    parser (
      ast (~> 2.4.1)
    pry (0.13.1)
      coderay (~> 1.1)
      method_source (~> 1.0)
    pry-byebug (3.9.0)
      byebug (~> 11.0)
      pry (~> 0.13.0)
    public_suffix (4.0.7)
    puma (5.6.4)
      nio4r (~> 2.0)
    rack (2.2.3)
    rack-accept (0.4.5)
      rack (>= 0.4)
    rack-cors (1.1.1)
      rack (>= 2.0.0)
    rack-test (1.1.0)
      rack (>= 1.0, < 3)
    rainbow (3.1.1)
    rake (13.0.6)
    rb-fsevent (0.11.1)
    rb-inotify (0.10.1)
      ffi (~> 1.0)
    redis (4.6.0)
    regexp_parser (2.3.1)
    require_all (1.3.3)
    rerun (0.13.1)
      listen (~> 3.0)
    rexml (3.2.5)
    rspec (3.11.0)
      rspec-core (~> 3.11.0)
      rspec-expectations (~> 3.11.0)
      rspec-mocks (~> 3.11.0)
    rspec-core (3.11.0)
      rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
    rspec-expectations (3.11.0)
      diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
      rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
    rspec-mocks (3.11.1)
      diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
      rspec-support (~> 3.11.0)
    rspec-support (3.11.0)
    rubocop (1.28.2)
      parallel (~> 1.10)
      parser (>=
      rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0)
      regexp_parser (>= 1.8, < 3.0)
      rubocop-ast (>= 1.17.0, < 2.0)
      ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7)
      unicode-display_width (>= 1.4.0, < 3.0)
    rubocop-ast (1.17.0)
      parser (>=
    ruby-progressbar (1.11.0)
    ruby2_keywords (0.0.5)
    sentry-raven (3.1.2)
      faraday (>= 1.0)
    sequel (5.31.0)
    shellany (0.0.1)
    simplecov (0.21.2)
      docile (~> 1.1)
      simplecov-html (~> 0.11)
      simplecov_json_formatter (~> 0.1)
    simplecov-html (0.12.3)
    simplecov_json_formatter (0.1.4)
    string-urlize (1.0.2)
      i18n (~> 0.5)
    thor (0.20.3)
    thread_safe (0.3.6)
    tzinfo (1.2.9)
      thread_safe (~> 0.1)
    unf (0.1.4)
    unf_ext (
    unicode-display_width (2.1.0)
    uuidtools (2.2.0)
    webmock (3.14.0)
      addressable (>= 2.8.0)
      crack (>= 0.3.2)
      hashdiff (>= 0.4.0, < 2.0.0)
    websocket-driver (0.7.5)
      websocket-extensions (>= 0.1.0)
    websocket-extensions (0.1.5)
    zeitwerk (2.5.4)


  bundler-audit (~> 0.6.1)
  elastic-apm (~> 3.6.0)
  grape (~> 1.3.2)
  grape-entity (~> 0.8.0)
  grape-swagger (~> 1.1.0)
  grape-swagger-entity (~> 0.4.0)
  http (~> 4.1.1)
  mysql2 (~> 0.5.3)
  puma (~> 5.6.4)
  rack (~> 2.2.3)
  require_all (~> 1.3.3)
  sequel (~> 5.31.0)

   ruby 2.7.1p83

jcoglan commented 2 years ago

@BastienBabar To have a chance of investigating this I'd need a small example application that demonstrates the problem happening, containing just enough code and dependencies to show the problem and nothing more. Putting this together will probably help you narrow down which libraries are contributing to the effect you're observing.

BastienBabar commented 2 years ago

Alright, thanks to taking some time setting up a small example, I guess the problem comes from Redis (in my case). Here is my example:

# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_support'
require 'grape'

class Base < Grape::API

class Chat
  attr_reader :env

  def initialize(app)
    @app  = app
    @env  = nil

  def call(env)
    @env = env
    if Faye::WebSocket.websocket?(env)
      websocket = Faye::WebSocket.new(env, nil, { ping: 50 })

      websocket.on :open do |_event|
        puts 'connected'
        subscribe_channel('test', websocket)
      websocket.on :message do |event|
        puts "#{Time.now} message #{event.data}"
        redis_connection.publish('test', event.data)
      rescue StandardError
      websocket.on :close do |event|
        p [:close, websocket.object_id, event.code, event.reason]
        websocket = nil
      websocket.on :error do |event|
        p [:error, websocket.object_id, event.code, event.reason]


  def redis_connection
    uri = URI.parse('redis://localhost:6379')
    Redis.new(host: uri.host, port: uri.port, password: uri.password)

  def subscribe_channel(channel, websocket)
    Thread.new do
      redis_connection.subscribe(channel) do |on|
        on.subscribe do |ch, subscriptions|
          puts "Subscribed to ##{ch} (#{subscriptions} subscriptions)"

        on.message do |ch, message|
          puts "#{Time.now} send message: ##{ch}: #{message} \n"

        on.unsubscribe do |ch, subscriptions|
          puts "Unsubscribed from ##{ch} (#{subscriptions} subscriptions)"

use Chat
run Base

with Gemfile

source 'https://rubygems.org'
ruby '2.7.1'

gem 'grape', '~> 1.3.2'
gem 'puma', '~> 5.6.4'
gem 'rack', '~> 2.2.3'
gem 'faye-websocket'
gem 'redis'

Messages are being sent every 50 seconds in this case. But, if you remove the redis implementation, no more delay. Am I doing something wrong here?

jcoglan commented 2 years ago

The problem with this code is that in subscribe_channel you're calling websocket.send(message) from a non-EventMachine thread. This means the input gets queue but not actually written to the socket until the next time something interacts with it, for example the ping loop. If you replace this call with the following then you should observe messages being delivered without delay:

EM.next_tick { websocket.send(message) }
BastienBabar commented 2 years ago

@jcoglan Thanks a lot for this, that does the trick! Though, this is really not straightforward to understand when not familiar with EventMachine, because when I switch to a Thin server, there is no delay happening no matter what. I assume this is related to the "won't fix" issue in puma mentioned before, but maybe a little warning with the puma config would allow to close this issue? I am also very surprised no one has the same problem, puma/faye/redis (and a load balancer with idle timeout) seems to be a very standard combo to use websocket with ruby, or am I missing something?

jcoglan commented 2 years ago

I don't fully understand the difference either other than this will cause a change in how work is distributed across threads, in particular the work of writing data to the TCP socket. This is one of the ways EventMachine unfortunately "leaks" and you need to be aware of it if you're running any EM-based libraries.

I'm not sure there's a general purpose advisory I could add to the docs because this is very dependent on what exactly your application is doing.