fazlulkarimweb / with-next-redux-wrapper-redux-persist

A counter app(or boilerplate) with next redux wrapper, redux persist and redux thunk for your NEXT JS website.
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Use with typescript #26

Open bryanltobing opened 2 years ago

bryanltobing commented 2 years ago

When i use this with typescript i need to add any type everywhere? could you please add an example with typescript ?

bsor-dev commented 2 years ago


diegosaraviamamani commented 2 years ago


AlexandreCassagne commented 2 years ago


Effzz commented 2 years ago


narendra087 commented 2 years ago


hati8haha commented 2 years ago

typeof Type Operator can help you get type of store. Here is my solution:

export type AppStore = typeof store

interface IPersistStore extends AppStore {
  __persistor: Persistor

export const makeStore = (context?: Context): IPersistStore => {
  return { ...store, __persistor: persistStore(store) }

export const wrapper = createWrapper(makeStore)