Users star stuff to bookmark it and to seed it so they can show their support. Stars are similar to "likes" but different in their own way. Users page will be replaced with a page to see all stars and a content previewer will be built to quickly glance through huge lists of starred stuff.
Star-able things include:
any file or folder
Everything that gets starred is pinned locally.
counting stars. It just can't be done I guess
starred list: should it be public?
across versions: you star one thing, not its whole history. When a new version arrives, do you move the star to the newest version?
Users star stuff to bookmark it and to seed it so they can show their support. Stars are similar to "likes" but different in their own way. Users page will be replaced with a page to see all stars and a content previewer will be built to quickly glance through huge lists of starred stuff.
Star-able things include:
Everything that gets starred is pinned locally.