Open colouredFunk opened 3 years ago
Hey guys. I'm having very same issue. Any idea how to resolve the issue? Thanks.
Ok. This is what has worked for me after all:
mysql -uroot -p magento2 < /tmp/dump-magento.sql
with passsword being "magento2".
All the best!
I'm trying to import a .sql dump file
docker exec -i docker-magento2_db_1 mysql -umagento2 -pmagento2 magento2 < /Users/me/dumps/Dump20210121.sql
But it returns
ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 13382: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER, SET USER privilege(s) for this operation
I've tried a few different solutions posted around the net but nothing seems to work?