fbergama / pigfx

PiGFX is a bare metal kernel for the Raspberry Pi that implements a basic ANSI terminal emulator with the additional support of some primitive graphics functions.
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Cannot print ESC literal. Missing up-left box character. #3

Closed CompaqDisc closed 7 years ago

CompaqDisc commented 7 years ago

I can print the up-right character with ^Z, and the X character with ^\ yet ^[ waits indefinitely for an escape sequence. Can a time-out or additional sequence be implemented to allow the up-left box character to be printed? characters cbios_main_msx1_256w

fbergama commented 7 years ago

You are right, I assume that after the escape character an escape sequence occurs. Hence, there is no way now to output the escape char itself. I haven't got much time now, but it should be an easy change to fix

fbergama commented 7 years ago

Ok if you update to the latest commit on master you should be able to output the ESC character by typing the ESC twice. Hope this closes the issue.