fbergama / wass

WASS (Waves Acquisition Stereo System) is an optimized stereo processing pipeline for sea waves 3D reconstruction.
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YS data #26

Open huangya17 opened 12 months ago

huangya17 commented 12 months ago

Figure 9 data presented in

Alvise Benetazzo, Filippo Bergamasco, Jeseon Yoo, Luigi Cavaleri, Sun-Sin Kim, Luciana Bertotti, Francesco Barbariola, Jae-Seol Shim, 2018. Characterizing the signature of a spatio-temporal wind wave field. Ocean Modelling 129, 104–123. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2018.06.007

seems to suggest the Yellow Sea data after stereo reconstruction using WASS should produce x = [-100 100] y = [-40-200] scale time frame. But we used the same YS data the reconstruction can only produce a much smaller undistorted frame. A large area are distorted.

Our process after WASS pipelines is to use the mesh matlab file provided to change coordinates or the data and mean plane:

See attached 'frame y-220 x-100.png' is a collection of four time frames from the beginning of the time sequence using

[ xyz{idx+1-startfm} , R{idx+1-startfm} , T{idx+1-startfm} ] =... load_camera_mesh_and_align_plane(datadir,idx,scale,planefile) ;

and then interpolated:

Fmat = scatteredInterpolant(xyz{idx+1-startfm}(:,1),xyz{idx+1-startfm}(:,2),xyz{idx+1-startfm}(:,3),'natural');

But as you can see, the area x=[-100 100] y=[-220 -40], used in your Yellow Sea paper of Benetazzoa et al (2018) are largely covered by the distorted polygons with similar elevation values. We therefore can only make use of the range x=[-14 14] y=[-75 -32] which produced the spectrum.

Could you hep us understand where we should look to reproduce the Figure 9 from your Yellow Sea data?

Thank you in advance


frame y-220 x-100