fbergama / wass

WASS (Waves Acquisition Stereo System) is an optimized stereo processing pipeline for sea waves 3D reconstruction.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error using run_wass.m #28

Open huangya17 opened 7 months ago

huangya17 commented 7 months ago

In run_wass.m after checking all the directories for both data and executables are correctly set up, we have the following error from matlab. This happens for both versions of WASS: wass_1.8_win32_x64 wass_1.10_win32_x64

It may be something naïve we have missed. Any suggestion please?

Thank you in advance.


4 stereo frames found. Creating D:\wass data 2023\YS input\data-dataref.ifremer.fr\stereo\YS_2017\2017-05-13_05-00-00_10Hz\output\

** RUNNING wass_prepare *****

wass_prepare v. 1.8_heads/master-0-g2233c24

[Release] Windows-10.0.19044 - MSVC, OpenCV 4.6.0

wass_prepare [error] Invalid calibration directory Error using assert component exited with non-zero return code

Error in run_wass_YS_wass108_yh (line 179) assert( system( [ENV_SET, PREPARE_EXE, ' --workdir ', input_frames{ii}.wd, ' --calibdir ', CONFIG_DIR, ' --c0 ', input_frames{ii}.Cam0, ' --c1 ', input_frames{ii}.Cam1] ) == 0, 'component exited with non-zero return code');