fbessez / Tinder

Official November 2019 Documentation for Tinder's API (wrapper included)
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Access token could not be retrieved #148

Open jsdjsd opened 2 years ago

jsdjsd commented 2 years ago

Hello all,

I think the code is not working anymore, probably a change in the last few months on fb side....

I believe the URL should work, maybe the issue is on the MOBILE_USER_AGENT ?

The error message isn't helpful : FB_AUTH_TOKEN = {'error': 'access token could not be retrieved. Check your username and password.'} I did check that both the username and password are fine of course !

Is it working still for everyone else ?

I am using the following code :

import re import robobrowser import requests MOBILE_USER_AGENT = "Tinder/7.5.3 (iPhone; iOS 10.3.2; Scale/2.00)"

def get_access_token(email, password): s = robobrowser.RoboBrowser(user_agent=MOBILE_USER_AGENT, parser="lxml") s.open(FB_AUTH) f = s.get_form() s.submit_form(f) f = s.get_form() f["pass"] = password f["email"] = email s.submit_form(f) f = s.get_form() try: s.submit_form(f, submit=f.submit_fields['CONFIRM']) access_token = re.search( r"access_token=([\w\d]+)", s.response.content.decode()).groups()[0] return access_token except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema as browserAddress: access_token = re.search( r"access_token=([\w\d]+)",str(browserAddress)).groups()[0] return access_token except Exception as ex: print("access token could not be retrieved. Check your username and password.") print("Official error: %s" % ex) return {"error": "access token could not be retrieved. Check your username and password."}