fbiego / ESP32Time

An Arduino library for setting and retrieving internal RTC time on ESP32 boards
MIT License
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does not do 12 #13

Closed Idahowalker closed 2 years ago

Idahowalker commented 2 years ago

The library seems to have an issue with the 12th month.

void fparseMQTT( void *pvParameters )
  struct stu_message px_message;
  for (;;)
    if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_Message, &px_message, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_mqttOK, portMAX_DELAY );
      mqttOK = 0;
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_mqttOK );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicRemainingMoisture_0 )
        x_eData.RM0  = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWindSpeed )
        x_eData.WS = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWindDirection )
        x_eData.WD = "";
        x_eData.WD = String(px_message.payload);
      if ( px_message.topic == topicRainfall )
        x_eData.RF = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWSVolts )
        x_eData.WSV = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWSCurrent )
        x_eData.WSC = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWSPower )
        x_eData.WSP = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      if ( px_message.topic == topicDPnWI )
        xQueueSend( xQ_WindChillDewPoint, (void *) &px_message, 1 );
      if ( String(px_message.topic) == topicOK )
        if ( !TimeSet)
          String temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[0]) );
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[1]) );
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[2]) );
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[3]) );
          int year =  temp.toInt();
          temp = "";
          //temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[5]) + String(px_message.payload[6]) );
          temp.concat( "12" );
          log_i( "%s %s%s", temp.c_str(), String(px_message.payload[5]).c_str(), String(px_message.payload[6]).c_str() );
          int month =  12;
          temp =  "";
          temp.concat(String(px_message.payload[8]) + String(px_message.payload[9]) );
          int day =  temp.toInt();
          temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[11]) + String(px_message.payload[12]) );
          int hour =  temp.toInt();
          temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[14]) + String(px_message.payload[15]) );
          int min =  temp.toInt();
          rtc.setTime( 0, min, hour, day, month, year );
          log_i( "rtc  %s Year %d month %d day %d", rtc.getTime(), rtc.getYear(), rtc.getMonth(), rtc.getDay() );
          TimeSet = true;
    } //if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_Message, &px_message, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
  } //for(;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} // void fparseMQTT( void *pvParameters )

As may be seen, I hard coded a 12 into the month.

Here is the printout:

[I][ESP32_Chappie_Inside_THP_1.ino:366] fparseMQTT(): rtc 08:40:00 Year 2021 month 11 day 6

Notice the month is 11, even though a 12 was hardcoded.

Idahowalker commented 2 years ago

t.tm_mon = mt - 1; << might be the issue?

fbiego commented 2 years ago


tm_mon range is 0 - 11