fboucquez / symbol-bootstrap

A tool that allows you to quickly configure and setup Symbol testnets and nodes.
Apache License 2.0
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Error on healthCheck: x509: Can't parse "NaN" as a number #381

Open quasarblue opened 2 years ago

quasarblue commented 2 years ago

running symbol-bootsrap healthCheck

The command output on the log is: 2022-03-13T08:35:42.590Z info User for docker resolved: 1000:1000 2022-03-13T08:35:42.591Z info Running image using Exec: symbolplatform/symbol-server:gcc-10- openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in node.crt.pem -checkend NaN 2022-03-13T08:35:43.393Z info 2022-03-13T08:35:43.394Z error x509: Can't parse "NaN" as a number x509: Invalid number "NaN" for -checkend x509: Use -help for summary.

To Reproduce mainnet node: conrad.symbolnode.ninja testnet node: pequod.cola-potatochips.net

Desktop (please complete the following information):


24309 commented 2 years ago

same problem, running

symbol-bootstrap healthCheck

2022-04-04T19:31:52.363Z info User for docker resolved: 1000:1000 2022-04-04T19:31:52.365Z info Running image using Exec: symbolplatform/symbol-server:gcc-10- openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in node.crt.pem -checkend NaN 2022-04-04T19:31:52.718Z info 2022-04-04T19:31:52.718Z error x509: Can't parse "NaN" as a number x509: Invalid number "NaN" for -checkend x509: Use -help for summary.

Error: Cannot validate node.crt.pem certificate expiration. Expiration Date cannot be resolved. Check the logs!

after running

symbol-bootstrap renewCertificates

2022-04-04T19:31:13.693Z info Generating config from preset 'mainnet' 2022-04-04T19:31:13.693Z info Using assembly 'dual' 2022-04-04T19:31:13.707Z info User for docker resolved: 1000:1000 2022-04-04T19:31:13.707Z info Running image using Exec: symbolplatform/symbol-server:gcc-10- openssl x509 -enddate -no out -in node.crt.pem -checkend 2592000 2022-04-04T19:31:32.936Z info The node.crt.pem certificate for node node will expire on Nov 30 23:24:23 2022 GMT. No need to renew it yet. 2022-04-04T19:31:32.936Z info 2022-04-04T19:31:32.936Z info The SSL certificates are up-to-date. There is nothing to upgrade. 2022-04-04T19:31:32.936Z info

OS: CentOS8 Version: symbol-bootstrap/1.1.6 linux-x64 node-v12.20.1

fboucquez commented 2 years ago

Have you done a

symbol-bootstrap config --upgrade -p mainnet -a dual -c customPreset.yml

Before running healthCheck?

quasarblue commented 2 years ago

Doing symbol-bootstrap config --upgrade solves the problem