fbricker / muses

The Flash MP3/OGG/AAC Live Stream Player
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Song querymetada not working #7

Closed radzio closed 10 years ago

radzio commented 10 years ago

I was trying to play this stream:


It is played but... I cannot get any information about song which is played.

My code:

<object id="myContent" width="300" height="120" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://hosted.musesradioplayer.com/muses-hosted.swf">
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">
<param name="wmode" value="window">
<param name="flashvars" value="url=http://pub7.rockradio.com:80/rr_hardrock&lang=auto&codec=mp3&tracking=true&volume=65&autoplay=false&buffering=5&skin=http://hosted.musesradioplayer.com/muses-mcclean.xml&title=Radio Vermont&welcome=&jsevents=true&querymetadata=shoutcast&interval=25&movie=http://hosted.musesradioplayer.com/muses-hosted.swf">

And I see only this js events:

event: "source", value: "http://pub7.rockradio.com:80/rr_hardrock"
event: "fallback", value: "false"
event: "buffering", value: "0"
event: "play", value: "0"
event: "stop", value: "0"
event: "play", value: "0"
event: "source", value: "http://pub7.rockradio.com:80/rr_hardrock"
event: "fallback", value: "false"
event: "source", value: "http://pub7.rockradio.com:80/rr_hardrock"
event: "fallback", value: "false"

Any help, ideas or is it a bug?

I am using 1.0b version.

I was trying to use icecast / shoutcast with same result - it is not working :(

Allmoz commented 10 years ago

you have to use querymetadata=icecast the players in that case gets the info from http://pub7.rockradio.com:80/rr_hardrock.xspf (and is there)

so is your http://pub7.rockradio.com/crossdomain.xml right?

i have icecast too, and it works on mine (http://piratasradio.com/radio/popup) , but whit your stream i dont get the metadata.

so try to add access on the crossdomain, allow all to test if is that.

radzio commented 10 years ago

Ahh... It might be crossdomain fault :/ but unfortunately I can't change it.

BTW maybe it is better to use another method for getting metadata. Something like this: https://gist.github.com/tulskiy/1008126 (code is in Java but I think that it is doable in actionscript too)

fbricker commented 10 years ago

Hi, as Mp3 decoding is done internally by flash plugin, we just can't grab the metadata from inside the streaming. For that we'll need to code the Mp3 decoder on Haxe Language - which may be possible but unfortunately I don't have the time or someone willing to do that :( Do you think you can port that code to Haxe?

radzio commented 10 years ago

What about this:

http://wahlers.com.br/claus/blog/realtime-mp3-decoding-in-actionscript-3/ https://github.com/claus/as3icy http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/icecast-streams.html http://www.actionscript.org/forums/showthread.php3?t=222389 - netstream

fbricker commented 10 years ago

Hi, thanks for the information. Still, Muses is not coded in ActionScript, it's coded in Haxe (www.haxe.org).
