Hi, to make it easier for people to know how to determine the correct pt size perhaps the text provided below could be added.
X.org is using a dpi of 96 at 100% scale. If someone is using a logical dpi of 144 (150% scale) then the correct pt size is pt / logical dpi's scale %:
Hi, to make it easier for people to know how to determine the correct pt size perhaps the text provided below could be added.
X.org is using a dpi of 96 at 100% scale. If someone is using a logical dpi of 144 (150% scale) then the correct pt size is pt / logical dpi's scale %:
The general formula is pt size = font pixels / logical dpi 72. So, 32 pixels/144 dpi72=16 pt
Scaling % | DPI 100% | 96 125% | 120 150% | 144 175% | 168 200% | 192 225% | 216 250% | 240 300% | 288 400% | 384 500% | 480
64/384*72=12 pt for the 32x64 font if you were using 400% scaling on your fancy high resolution display.