fcambus / spleen

Monospaced bitmap fonts
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
967 stars 34 forks source link

Win11, conhost and vs #31

Open george-tsiros opened 11 months ago

george-tsiros commented 11 months ago

We have some fonts. Spleen, obviously, OTF and FON. Ubuntu monospace, TTF ( https://design.ubuntu.com/font ) Ubuntu LIGATURIZED, TTF ( https://github.com/vizhub-core/ubuntu-mono-ligaturized ) Kepler-452-b, TTF ( https://github.com/weirdoonthebus/Kepler-452b ) "Terminal". We have no more information on this. "javanese text", TTF, some font in my windows installation with seriously f-ed up delimiters "SimSun-ExtB" TTf, one of the few fonts selectable in conhost here is a little table:

font\usability     conhost | available in VS | USABLE in VS | info when viewing font
spleen OTF           ❌   |        ✅       |    ✅         "postscript outlines"
spleen FON           ❌   |        ✅       |    ✅         no info
Ubuntu mono          ✅   |        ✅       |    ✅         "opentype layout, digitally signed, truetype outlines"
Ubuntu ligaturized   ✅   |        ✅       |    ✅         "opentype layout, truetype outlines"
kepler               ✅   |        ✅       |    ❌         "opentype layout, truetype outlines"
"Terminal"           ✅   |        ✅       |    ❌         no info
javanese text        ❌   |        ✅       |    ✅         "opentype layout, digitally signed, truetype outlines"
"SimSun-ExtB"        ✅   |        ✅       |    ✅         "opentype layout, digitally signed, truetype outlines"

"available in VS" means that the font is visible in the list of fonts, you can actually select it. USABLE in VS means that if you select that font for "Plain text" in VS for the Text Editor, it actually uses the font.

Nothing makes sense to me. This, is how the "javanese text" font looks like in VS:


So the glyph dimensions is not something that VS really cares about.

What is conhost's problem and it doesn't let me use spleen, at all, no version?

fcambus commented 5 months ago

Have you found a solution to your problem by any chance?

I don't have much experience with this platform so I cannot provide any insight.

george-tsiros commented 5 months ago

I have no idea. I mean, no, I have not found a solution. Thank you for replying to my post. Do you know of any tool that can dump all data/information/metadata/parameters/properties of a .ttf/.otf file? I do not say "font" because even though I have next to no idea of the nomenclature, I am quite confident that a [ot]tf file does not (necessarily?) define a font ? I'd like to just go through as many fonts as I can and try to filter out what parameter/property/etc of a font makes each program reject it.

Why do people use vector fonts on raster devices ? Please tell me you also consider this to be... misguided? (i wish to avoid becoming vulgar)

(it is amazing... visual studio, notepad++, windows terminal... all win32 programs, written for win32, all using directwrite, all using the same ttf font, font settings and rendering options... each one produces a different result)

fcambus commented 4 months ago

I have no idea. I mean, no, I have not found a solution. Thank you for replying to my post. Do you know of any tool that can dump all data/information/metadata/parameters/properties of a .ttf/.otf file? I do not say "font" because even though I have next to no idea of the nomenclature, I am quite confident that a [ot]tf file does not (necessarily?) define a font ? I'd like to just go through as many fonts as I can and try to filter out what parameter/property/etc of a font makes each program reject it.

I also asked on Twitter, but didn't get any answer: https://twitter.com/fcambus/status/1751564608622444777

For dumping metadata from OTF files I've been using the online "Font Inspector" tool from the opentype.js project.

There is also the otfinfo program from the LCDF Typetools package.

Why do people use vector fonts on raster devices ? Please tell me you also consider this to be... misguided? (i wish to avoid becoming vulgar)

At least in the case of Spleen, the OTF files are really meant to be used as last resort. I should probably mention this fact in the README indeed.