fcampelo / EC-Bestiary

A bestiary of evolutionary, swarm and other metaphor-based algorithms
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New Papers by Krystian Lapa #35

Closed caranha closed 5 years ago

caranha commented 6 years ago

I am reporting some missing algorithms from bestiary:

  1. Golden ball algorithm (GB) E. Osaba, F. Diaz, and E. Onieva. Golden ball: a novel meta-heuristic to solve combinatorial optimization problems based on soccer concepts. Applied Intelligence, 41(1):145–166, 2014

  2. Bison Algorithm Kazikova, A., Pluhacek, M., Senkerik R., Viktorin, A.: Proposal of a new swarm optimization method inspired in Bison behavior. In: Matousek, R. (ed.) Recent Advances in Soft Computing (Mendel 2017). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer, Heidelberg (2017, in press) Anezka Kazikova, Michal Pluhacek, Adam Viktorin, Roman Senkerik, New Running Technique for the Bison Algorithm, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISC 2018: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing pp 417-426, 2018

Yours faithfully, Krystian Łapa

fcampelo commented 5 years ago