fchollet / deep-learning-models

Keras code and weights files for popular deep learning models.
MIT License
7.32k stars 2.46k forks source link

download speed too slow #119

Open Bananana1 opened 4 years ago

Bananana1 commented 4 years ago

Why download speed in China is too slow? I can't download it.

Beats0 commented 4 years ago

I replace the url to my localhost url

go to the releases page and download the releases modules copy to your models folder, create a static file http server

go to your python lib


replace the git weight url to your server weight url



- # BASE_WEIGHT_URL = ('https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/'
- #                    'releases/download/v0.7/')
+ BASE_WEIGHT_URL = ('http://localhost:5500/models/v0.7/')
cool3rzZ commented 2 years ago

I replace the url to my localhost url

go to the releases page and download the releases modules copy to your models folder, create a static file http server

go to your python lib


replace the git weight url to your server weight url



- # BASE_WEIGHT_URL = ('https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/'
- #                    'releases/download/v0.7/')
+ BASE_WEIGHT_URL = ('http://localhost:5500/models/v0.7/')
