fchristian1992 / pcHardwareViewer

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Self eval is done (again) #4

Open fchristian1992 opened 1 year ago

fchristian1992 commented 1 year ago

@pawaitemadisoncollege I changed the form entries from X's to statements like you asked

pawaitemadisoncollege commented 1 year ago

Hi @fchristian1992 - See below for some feedback and ideas on moving forward with the main topics in Ent Java. My comments begin with PW: and are bold.

Ent Java Self-Evaluation

Criteria Not started or progressing yet Making progress Meets expectations Exemplary
Explanation of scale Not enough information is present in the work to determine whether there is understanding of the concepts. This might mean we haven't covered the topic yet, work is incomplete, or work contains too many issues to justify correcting each one. Partial understanding of the concepts is evident, but some significant gaps remain. Needs more work. Understanding of the concepts is evident through correct work, and clear documentation. Some revision or expansion might be needed, but no significant gaps or errors are present. Work meets or exeeds the expectations. A high level of proficiency with the concepts is evident. Work could be used as a classroom example.
Industry best practices We haven't covered this yet. PW: this includes things like the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself), separation of concerns (no java code in jsps, for example), writing small, single-purpose methods, using properties files rather than hard-coding, etc.
Documentation I know how to write javadocs. PW: you might also comment on: whether you have proper javadoc comments written for every method and class (including tests?), are @param, @throws, and @return used appropriately and consistently? Do you use html in the javadoc comments to keep long comments easy-to-read?
Build and Deploy I can and have built and deployed an application multiple times. PW: Are you regularly deploying to AWS?
Unit Testing I've done it in my indie project by referencing the lecture video. PW: you might consider commenting on how thorough your unit tests are. Perhaps code coverage percentage?
Security - Authentication/Authorization I don't know what this is referring to at the moment. PW: We are using AWS Cognito for this in week 7.
Logging Framework I know how to write the cfg file by using a reference and have implemented it and a few logging methods in the team project. PW: have you used the logs solve any issues?
Produce Web Services I don't know what this is referring to at the moment. PW: this is the week 9 work - and also the team project!!
Consume Web Services I don't know what this is referring to at the moment. PW: this is the week 8 work. You should complete the demos and exercise to learn the basics, consume a web service with java code in your project to demonstrate proficiency.
Git and GitHub I am pretty familiar with it by now having used it for a few semesters, but I don't exactly know everything. PW: additional ways to provide proficiency: are you using branching in your individual project? Team project? You might comment on how you collaborated with your team on the code base using git/github (assuming you did!)
Asynchronous messaging I don't know what this is referring to at the moment. PW: week 12 work.
Object relational mapping - JPA/Hibernate I have used it in the indie project and group project, but I do get tripped up sometimes still. PW: what things do you think you need to work on move along on the scale here?
Patterns such as Data Access Objects (DAO) I can implement it if I use the lecture videos as a guide. PW: MVC is another pattern to consider addressing.
Debug and troubleshoot independently I managed to work through a bug in my indie project, but it took me several weeks. PW: consider commenting on your process and what improvements you are making to that process.
Learning process reflection and improvement Not sure if I've done this yet. PW: with each week's submission, you should be including a reflection statement, and you should be keeping a journal/time log in the indie project. Try to think about what you are learning, what you are struggling with, and how to improve your process.
Collaboration/Teamwork I think I've been doing pretty decent with it in the group project, but I'm by no means an expert. PW: consider sharing your main contributions? What does "pretty decent" mean? Examples?
Feedback - giving and receiving Assuming I know the material well enough, I have a decent eye for details and I'm definitely willing to receive feedback. PW: another area to consider: how are you incorporating the feedback and suggestions you receive on your weekly work and project? Are there examples of things you have done based on feedback to improve your work?
Other? Is anything missing?