fcitx / fcitx5-rime

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Unable to generate the log. #96

Closed sci-42ver closed 5 months ago

sci-42ver commented 5 months ago

In weasel the log is well. But for fcitx5 with Exec=env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/liblua5.4.so /usr/bin/fcitx5 --verbose=default=5,key_trace=5 in /usr/share/applications/org.fcitx.Fcitx5.desktop, it fails with generating files /tmp/rime*. I use wayland in kde6 and follows the official instruction by using Virtual keyboard and other configs.

Here /usr/lib/liblua5.4.so is to make easy_en work.

I tried disabling lua plugins temporarily where log functions may cause the original log unavailable, but the problem is still there.

$ fcitx5-diagnose
# System Info:
1.  `uname -a`:

        Linux fooArch 6.8.5-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 11 Apr 2024 01:47:33 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux

2.  `lsb_release -a`:

        LSB Version:    n/a
        Distributor ID: Arch
        Description:    Arch Linux
        Release:        rolling
        Codename:       n/a

3.  `lsb_release -d`:

        Description:    Arch Linux

4.  `/etc/lsb-release`:

        DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Arch Linux"

5.  `/etc/os-release`:

        NAME="Arch Linux"
        PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"

6.  Desktop Environment:

    Desktop environment is `kde`.



8.  Bash Version:


# Environment:



2.  Keyboard Layout:

    1.  `setxkbmap`:

            WARNING: Running setxkbmap against an Xwayland server
            xkb_keymap {
                xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
                xkb_types     { include "complete"      };
                xkb_compat    { include "complete"      };
                xkb_symbols   { include "pc+us+inet(evdev)"     };
                xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)"     };

    2.  `xprop`:

            _XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "evdev", "pc105", "us", "", ""

3.  Locale:

    1.  All locales:


    2.  Current locale:


4.  Directories:

    1.  Home:


    2.  `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}`:

        Environment variable `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not set.

        Current value of `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is `~/.config` (`/home/foo_arch/.config`).

    3.  Fcitx5 Settings Directory:

        Current fcitx5 settings directory is `~/.config/fcitx5` (`/home/foo_arch/.config/fcitx5`).

5.  Current user:

    The script is run as foo_arch (1000).

# Fcitx State:
1.  executable:

    Found fcitx5 at `/usr/bin/fcitx5`.

2.  version:

    Fcitx version: `5.1.8`

3.  process:

    Found 1 fcitx5 process:

            852 fcitx5

4.  `fcitx5-remote`:

    `fcitx5-remote` works properly.

5.  DBus interface:

    Using `dbus-send` to check dbus.

    Owner of DBus name `org.fcitx.Fcitx5` is `:1.16`.

    PID of DBus name `org.fcitx.Fcitx5` owner is `852`.

    Debug information from dbus:

           Group [wayland:] has 7 InputContext(s)
          IC [9d4a689c4b28417384d7a483deecb21d] program:google-chrome frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
          IC [90df313c07f1421a818b1bb47c2d6c21] program:google-chrome frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
          IC [03f44bd034fe4035a838762694ba2a3b] program:google-chrome frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
          IC [ae0f66c8d02846fd9f00f8493b7451e4] program:org.kde.okular frontend:wayland cap:d0072 focus:0
          IC [06c5c51613b948d48d9cb16c8c9de707] program:code-insiders-url-handler frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
          IC [977e257bea7e435f94049f65abcf0888] program:org.kde.konsole frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:1
          IC [a3405452b0dd4cf19603dbccfaa8708a] program: frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
        Group [x11::1] has 0 InputContext(s)
        Input Context without group

# Fcitx Configure UI:
1.  Config Tool Wrapper:

    Found fcitx5-configtool at `/usr/bin/fcitx5-configtool`.

2.  Config GUI for qt:

    Found `fcitx5-config-qt` at `/usr/bin/fcitx5-config-qt`.

3.  Config GUI for kde:

    **`kcmshell5` not found.**

# Frontends setup:
The environment variable checked by this script only shows the environment under current shell. It is still possible that you did not set the environment to the whole graphic desktop session. You may inspect the actual environment variable of a certain process by using `xargs -0 -L1 /proc/$PID/environ` for a certain process that you find not working.

## Xim:
1.  `${XMODIFIERS}`:

    Environment variable XMODIFIERS is set to "@im=fcitx" correctly.
    Xim Server Name from Environment variable is fcitx.

2.  XIM_SERVERS on root window:

    Xim server name is the same with that set in the environment variable.

## Qt:
1.  qt4 - `${QT4_IM_MODULE}`:

    **Please set environment variable QT_IM_MODULE to "fcitx" using the tool your distribution provides or add `export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx` to your `~/.xprofile`. See [Input Method Related Environment Variables: QT_IM_MODULE](http://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Input_method_related_environment_variables#QT_IM_MODULE).**

    **`fcitx5-qt4-immodule-probing` not found.**

2.  qt5 - `${QT_IM_MODULE}`:

    **Please set environment variable QT_IM_MODULE to "fcitx" using the tool your distribution provides or add `export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx` to your `~/.xprofile`. See [Input Method Related Environment Variables: QT_IM_MODULE](http://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Input_method_related_environment_variables#QT_IM_MODULE).**

    **It is OK to use qt5 built-in Wayland im module if your compositor fully supports text-input protocol used by qt5.**

    Using fcitx5-qt5-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:


3.  qt6 - `${QT_IM_MODULE}`:

    **Please set environment variable QT_IM_MODULE to "fcitx" using the tool your distribution provides or add `export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx` to your `~/.xprofile`. See [Input Method Related Environment Variables: QT_IM_MODULE](http://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Input_method_related_environment_variables#QT_IM_MODULE).**

    **It is OK to use qt6 built-in Wayland im module if your compositor fully supports text-input protocol used by qt6.**

    Using fcitx5-qt6-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:


4.  Qt IM module files:

    Found fcitx5 qt5 module: `/usr/lib/fcitx5/qt5/libfcitx-quickphrase-editor5.so`.
    Found fcitx5 qt6 module: `/usr/lib/fcitx5/qt6/libfcitx-quickphrase-editor5.so`.
    Found fcitx5 im module for qt: `/usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforminputcontexts/libfcitx5platforminputcontextplugin.so`.
    Found fcitx5 im module for qt6: `/usr/lib/qt6/plugins/platforminputcontexts/libfcitx5platforminputcontextplugin.so`.
    Found unknown fcitx qt module: `/usr/lib/qt6/plugins/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/kcm_fcitx5.so`.

    Following error may not be accurate because guessing Qt version from path depends on how your distribution packages Qt. It is not a critical error if you do not use any Qt application with certain version of Qt or you are using text-input support by Qt under Wayland.
    **Cannot find fcitx5 input method module for Qt4.**

## Gtk:
1.  gtk - `${GTK_IM_MODULE}`:

    **Please set environment variable GTK_IM_MODULE to "fcitx" using the tool your distribution provides or add `export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx` to your `~/.xprofile`. See [Input Method Related Environment Variables: GTK_IM_MODULE](http://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Input_method_related_environment_variables#GTK_IM_MODULE).**

    **It is OK to use gtk built-in Wayland im module if your compositor fully supports text-input protocol used by gtk.**

    Using fcitx5-gtk2-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:


    Using fcitx5-gtk3-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:


    Using fcitx5-gtk4-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:

2.  `gtk-query-immodules`:

    1.  gtk 2:

        Found `gtk-query-immodules` for gtk `2.24.33` at `/usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0`.
        Version Line:

            # Created by /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 from gtk+-2.24.33

        Found fcitx5 im modules for gtk `2.24.33`.

            "fcitx" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*" 
            "fcitx5" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*" 

    2.  gtk 3:

        Found `gtk-query-immodules` for gtk `3.24.41` at `/usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0`.
        Version Line:

            # Created by /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 from gtk+-3.24.41

        Found fcitx5 im modules for gtk `3.24.41`.

            "fcitx" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*" 
            "fcitx5" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*" 

3.  Gtk IM module cache:

    1.  gtk 2:

        Found immodules cache for gtk `2.24.33` at `/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules.cache`.
        Version Line:

            # Created by /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 from gtk+-2.24.33

        Found fcitx5 im modules for gtk `2.24.33`.

            "fcitx" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*" 
            "fcitx5" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*" 

    2.  gtk 3:

        Found immodules cache for gtk `3.24.41` at `/usr/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules.cache`.
        Version Line:

            # Created by /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 from gtk+-3.24.41

        Found fcitx5 im modules for gtk `3.24.41`.

            "fcitx" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*" 
            "fcitx5" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*" 

4.  Gtk IM module files:

    1.  gtk 2:

        All found Gtk 2 immodule files exist.

    2.  gtk 3:

        All found Gtk 3 immodule files exist.

    3.  gtk 4:

        All found Gtk 4 immodule files exist.

# Configuration:
## Fcitx Addons:
1.  Addon Config Dir:

    Found fcitx5 addon config directory: `/usr/share/fcitx5/addon`.

2.  Addon List:

    1.  Found 28 enabled addons:

            Simplified and Traditional Chinese Translation 5.1.4
            Classic User Interface 5.1.8
            Clipboard 5.1.8
            Cloud Pinyin 5.1.4
            DBus 5.1.8
            DBus Frontend 5.1.8
            Emoji 5.1.8
            Fcitx4 Frontend 5.1.8
            Full width character 5.1.4
            IBus Frontend 5.1.8
            Input method selector 5.1.8
            Keyboard 5.1.8
            KDE Input Method Panel 5.1.8
            Status Notifier 5.1.8
            Notification 5.1.8
            Pinyin 5.1.4
            Extra Pinyin functionality 5.1.4
            Punctuation 5.1.4
            Quick Phrase 5.1.8
            Rime 5.1.5
            Spell 5.1.8
            Table 5.1.4
            Unicode 5.1.8
            DBus Virtual Keyboard 5.1.8
            Wayland 5.1.8
            Wayland Input method frontend 5.1.8
            XCB 5.1.8
            X Input Method Frontend 5.1.8

    2.  Found 0 disabled addons:

3.  Addon Libraries:

    All libraries for all addons are found.

4.  User Interface:

    Found 3 enabled user interface addons:

        Classic User Interface
        KDE Input Method Panel
        DBus Virtual Keyboard

## Input Methods:
1.  `/home/foo_arch/.config/fcitx5/profile`:

        # Group Name
        # Layout
        Default Layout=us
        # Default Input Method

        # Name
        # Layout

        # Name
        # Layout

        # Group Name
        # Layout
        Default Layout=us
        # Default Input Method

        # Name
        # Layout


# Log:
1.  `date`:

        Mon Apr 15 12:06:20 PM CST 2024

2.  `/home/foo_arch/.config/fcitx5/crash.log`:

    `/home/foo_arch/.config/fcitx5/crash.log` not found.

**Warning: the output of fcitx5-diagnose contains sensitive information, including the distribution name, kernel version, name of currently running programs, etc.**

**Though such information can be helpful to developers for diagnostic purpose, please double check and remove as necessary before posting it online publicly.**
wengxt commented 5 months ago

add rime=5 to option.

I don’t like rime populate to /tmp so it’s explicitly disabled and use stderr instead.

On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 21:12 unknown @.***> wrote:

In weasel the log is well. But for fcitx5 with Exec=env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/liblua5.4.so /usr/bin/fcitx5 --verbose=default=5,key_trace=5 https://groups.google.com/g/fcitx-dev/c/iMPgRYp6eKM/m/mqyBz5YJEgAJ in /usr/share/applications/org.fcitx.Fcitx5.desktop, it fails with nothing with /tmp/rime*. I use wayland in kde6 following the official instruction https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Using_Fcitx_5_on_Wayland#KDE_Plasma. Here /usr/lib/liblua5.4.so is to make easy_en work https://github.com/BlindingDark/rime-easy-en?tab=readme-ov-file#lua-native-module .

$ fcitx5-diagnose# System Info:

  1. uname -a:

    Linux fooArch 6.8.5-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 11 Apr 2024 01:47:33 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  2. lsb_release -a:

    LSB Version:    n/a
    Distributor ID: Arch
    Description:    Arch Linux
    Release:        rolling
    Codename:       n/a
  3. lsb_release -d:

    Description:    Arch Linux
  4. /etc/lsb-release:

  5. /etc/os-release:

    NAME="Arch Linux"
    PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
  6. Desktop Environment:

    Desktop environment is kde.


  8. Bash Version:




  10. Keyboard Layout:

    1. setxkbmap:

      WARNING: Running setxkbmap against an Xwayland server
      xkb_keymap {
          xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
          xkb_types     { include "complete"      };
          xkb_compat    { include "complete"      };
          xkb_symbols   { include "pc+us+inet(evdev)"     };
          xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)"     };
    2. xprop:

      _XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "evdev", "pc105", "us", "", ""
  11. Locale:

    1. All locales:

    2. Current locale:

  12. Directories:

    1. Home:

    2. ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}:

      Environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set.

      Current value of XDG_CONFIG_HOME is ~/.config (/home/foo_arch/.config).

    3. Fcitx5 Settings Directory:

      Current fcitx5 settings directory is ~/.config/fcitx5 (/home/foo_arch/.config/fcitx5).

  13. Current user:

    The script is run as foo_arch (1000).

    Fcitx State:

  14. executable:

    Found fcitx5 at /usr/bin/fcitx5.

  15. version:

    Fcitx version: 5.1.8

  16. process:

    Found 1 fcitx5 process:

        852 fcitx5
  17. fcitx5-remote:

    fcitx5-remote works properly.

  18. DBus interface:

    Using dbus-send to check dbus.

    Owner of DBus name org.fcitx.Fcitx5 is :1.16.

    PID of DBus name org.fcitx.Fcitx5 owner is 852.

    Debug information from dbus:

       Group [wayland:] has 7 InputContext(s)
      IC [9d4a689c4b28417384d7a483deecb21d] program:google-chrome frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
      IC [90df313c07f1421a818b1bb47c2d6c21] program:google-chrome frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
      IC [03f44bd034fe4035a838762694ba2a3b] program:google-chrome frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
      IC [ae0f66c8d02846fd9f00f8493b7451e4] program:org.kde.okular frontend:wayland cap:d0072 focus:0
      IC [06c5c51613b948d48d9cb16c8c9de707] program:code-insiders-url-handler frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
      IC [977e257bea7e435f94049f65abcf0888] program:org.kde.konsole frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:1
      IC [a3405452b0dd4cf19603dbccfaa8708a] program: frontend:wayland cap:72 focus:0
    Group [x11::1] has 0 InputContext(s)
    Input Context without group

    Fcitx Configure UI:

  19. Config Tool Wrapper:

    Found fcitx5-configtool at /usr/bin/fcitx5-configtool.

  20. Config GUI for qt:

    Found fcitx5-config-qt at /usr/bin/fcitx5-config-qt.

  21. Config GUI for kde:

    kcmshell5 not found.

    Frontends setup:

    The environment variable checked by this script only shows the environment under current shell. It is still possible that you did not set the environment to the whole graphic desktop session. You may inspect the actual environment variable of a certain process by using xargs -0 -L1 /proc/$PID/environ for a certain process that you find not working.


  22. ${XMODIFIERS}:

    Environment variable XMODIFIERS is set to @.***=fcitx" correctly. Xim Server Name from Environment variable is fcitx.

  23. XIM_SERVERS on root window:

    Xim server name is the same with that set in the environment variable.


  24. qt4 - ${QT4_IM_MODULE}:

    Please set environment variable QT_IM_MODULE to "fcitx" using the tool your distribution provides or add export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx to your ~/.xprofile. See Input Method Related Environment Variables: QT_IM_MODULE.

    fcitx5-qt4-immodule-probing not found.

  25. qt5 - ${QT_IM_MODULE}:

    Please set environment variable QT_IM_MODULE to "fcitx" using the tool your distribution provides or add export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx to your ~/.xprofile. See Input Method Related Environment Variables: QT_IM_MODULE.

    It is OK to use qt5 built-in Wayland im module if your compositor fully supports text-input protocol used by qt5.

    Using fcitx5-qt5-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:

  26. qt6 - ${QT_IM_MODULE}:

    Please set environment variable QT_IM_MODULE to "fcitx" using the tool your distribution provides or add export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx to your ~/.xprofile. See Input Method Related Environment Variables: QT_IM_MODULE.

    It is OK to use qt6 built-in Wayland im module if your compositor fully supports text-input protocol used by qt6.

    Using fcitx5-qt6-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:

  27. Qt IM module files:

    Found fcitx5 qt5 module: /usr/lib/fcitx5/qt5/libfcitx-quickphrase-editor5.so. Found fcitx5 qt6 module: /usr/lib/fcitx5/qt6/libfcitx-quickphrase-editor5.so. Found fcitx5 im module for qt: /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforminputcontexts/libfcitx5platforminputcontextplugin.so. Found fcitx5 im module for qt6: /usr/lib/qt6/plugins/platforminputcontexts/libfcitx5platforminputcontextplugin.so. Found unknown fcitx qt module: /usr/lib/qt6/plugins/plasma/kcms/systemsettings/kcm_fcitx5.so.

    Following error may not be accurate because guessing Qt version from path depends on how your distribution packages Qt. It is not a critical error if you do not use any Qt application with certain version of Qt or you are using text-input support by Qt under Wayland. Cannot find fcitx5 input method module for Qt4.


  28. gtk - ${GTK_IM_MODULE}:

    Please set environment variable GTK_IM_MODULE to "fcitx" using the tool your distribution provides or add export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx to your ~/.xprofile. See Input Method Related Environment Variables: GTK_IM_MODULE.

    It is OK to use gtk built-in Wayland im module if your compositor fully supports text-input protocol used by gtk.

    Using fcitx5-gtk2-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:


    Using fcitx5-gtk3-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:


    Using fcitx5-gtk4-immodule-probing to check the actual im module to be used under current environment:

  29. gtk-query-immodules:

    1. gtk 2:

      Found gtk-query-immodules for gtk 2.24.33 at /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0. Version Line:

      # Created by /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 from gtk+-2.24.33

      Found fcitx5 im modules for gtk 2.24.33.

      "fcitx" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*"
      "fcitx5" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*"
    2. gtk 3:

      Found gtk-query-immodules for gtk 3.24.41 at /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0. Version Line:

      # Created by /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 from gtk+-3.24.41

      Found fcitx5 im modules for gtk 3.24.41.

      "fcitx" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*"
      "fcitx5" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*"
  30. Gtk IM module cache:

    1. gtk 2:

      Found immodules cache for gtk 2.24.33 at /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules.cache. Version Line:

      # Created by /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 from gtk+-2.24.33

      Found fcitx5 im modules for gtk 2.24.33.

      "fcitx" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*"
      "fcitx5" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*"
    2. gtk 3:

      Found immodules cache for gtk 3.24.41 at /usr/lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules.cache. Version Line:

      # Created by /usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 from gtk+-3.24.41

      Found fcitx5 im modules for gtk 3.24.41.

      "fcitx" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*"
      "fcitx5" "Fcitx5 (Flexible Input Method Framework5)" "fcitx5" "/usr/locale" "ja:ko:zh:*"
  31. Gtk IM module files:

    1. gtk 2:

      All found Gtk 2 immodule files exist.

    2. gtk 3:

      All found Gtk 3 immodule files exist.

    3. gtk 4:

      All found Gtk 4 immodule files exist.

      Configuration:## Fcitx Addons:

  32. Addon Config Dir:

    Found fcitx5 addon config directory: /usr/share/fcitx5/addon.

  33. Addon List:

    1. Found 28 enabled addons:

      Simplified and Traditional Chinese Translation 5.1.4
      Classic User Interface 5.1.8
      Clipboard 5.1.8
      Cloud Pinyin 5.1.4
      DBus 5.1.8
      DBus Frontend 5.1.8
      Emoji 5.1.8
      Fcitx4 Frontend 5.1.8
      Full width character 5.1.4
      IBus Frontend 5.1.8
      Input method selector 5.1.8
      Keyboard 5.1.8
      KDE Input Method Panel 5.1.8
      Status Notifier 5.1.8
      Notification 5.1.8
      Pinyin 5.1.4
      Extra Pinyin functionality 5.1.4
      Punctuation 5.1.4
      Quick Phrase 5.1.8
      Rime 5.1.5
      Spell 5.1.8
      Table 5.1.4
      Unicode 5.1.8
      DBus Virtual Keyboard 5.1.8
      Wayland 5.1.8
      Wayland Input method frontend 5.1.8
      XCB 5.1.8
      X Input Method Frontend 5.1.8
    2. Found 0 disabled addons:

  34. Addon Libraries:

    All libraries for all addons are found.

  35. User Interface:

    Found 3 enabled user interface addons:

    Classic User Interface
    KDE Input Method Panel
    DBus Virtual Keyboard

    Input Methods:

  36. /home/foo_arch/.config/fcitx5/profile:

    # Group Name
    # Layout
    Default Layout=us
    # Default Input Method
    # Name
    # Layout
    # Name
    # Layout
    # Group Name
    # Layout
    Default Layout=us
    # Default Input Method
    # Name
    # Layout


  37. date:

    Mon Apr 15 12:06:20 PM CST 2024
  38. /home/foo_arch/.config/fcitx5/crash.log:

    /home/foo_arch/.config/fcitx5/crash.log not found. Warning: the output of fcitx5-diagnose contains sensitive information, including the distribution name, kernel version, name of currently running programs, etc. Though such information can be helpful to developers for diagnostic purpose, please double check and remove as necessary before posting it online publicly.

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sci-42ver commented 5 months ago

Fine. Then we can view the log in journalctl -b.

In sudo journalctl -b | grep fcitx5 it has the following log when booting

Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: E2024-04-15 13:13:35.325791 addonloader.cpp:61] Failed to create addon: dbus Unable to request dbus name. Is there another fcitx already running?
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.325824 addonmanager.cpp:189] Could not load addon dbus
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.325892 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon pinyinhelper
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.325923 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon unicode
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.325949 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon waylandim
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.325983 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon keyboard
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.326097 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon imselector
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.326117 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon clipboard
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.326148 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon quickphrase
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.326292 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon xcb
Apr 15 13:13:35 CzgArch fcitx5[1090]: I2024-04-15 13:13:35.326456 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon wayland

But ps aux | grep fcitx only shows one fcitx5 running. I can use qdbus. Fcitx5-rime works well in Chrome and Vscode using wayland. It seems the addons are loaded well by viewing 'Found 28 enabled addons:' part in fcitx5-diagnose although the log has "Unloading addon ...".

wengxt commented 5 months ago

@sci-42ver Usually it means you have multiple autostart method. You can check on pid so you know which one is the currently running one.

sci-42ver commented 5 months ago

journalctl seems to defaultly use the parent pid in the log

$ journalctl -b
Apr 16 08:05:39 CzgArch fcitx5[1074]: I2024-04-16 08:05:39.073414 addonmanager.cpp:296] Unloading addon wayland
Apr 16 08:05:39 CzgArch kwin_wayland_wrapper[825]: I20240416 08:05:39.075751 135316499334848 prism.cc:76] loading prism file: ...
$ ps -p 1074                            
    PID TTY          TIME CMD
$ ps -p 825 
    PID TTY          TIME CMD
    825 ?        00:00:06 fcitx5
$ ps aux | grep 825
czg_arch     825  0.4  0.8 608964 136372 ?       Sl   00:05   0:06 /usr/bin/fcitx5 --verbose=default=4,rime=5 -d > /home/czg_arch/fcitx5.log 2>&1

I seems to only have one autostart method org.fcitx.Fcitx5.desktop which will be called by Virtual keyboard.

# https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/KDE#Autostart
$ ls -Al ~/.config/autostart
total 0
$ ls -Al ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env/
total 0
$ ls -Al /etc/xdg/autostart
total 72
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  292 Mar 17 00:40 at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2263 Apr  7 21:35 baloo_file.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  223 Jan 18 04:32 geoclue-demo-agent.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1755 Mar 28 18:53 gmenudbusmenuproxy.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3022 Mar 28 19:12 kaccess.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1419 Mar 28 18:43 kglobalacceld.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1218 Mar  3 22:57 org.fcitx.Fcitx5.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1422 Mar 28 19:04 org.kde.discover.notifier.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3346 Mar 28 18:53 org.kde.plasmashell.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5445 Mar 28 19:10 pam_kwallet_init.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5553 Mar 28 19:02 polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6899 Mar 28 19:01 powerdevil.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5370 Jan 17 21:36 pulseaudio.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1683 Mar 28 18:53 xembedsniproxy.desktop