fclaussen / Flexbox-Framework

A simple and effective flexbox based framework.
MIT License
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Two things to improve #4

Open Mizuiro opened 9 years ago

Mizuiro commented 9 years ago

Hi. First of all thank you. I tried most of flexbox grids out of there and this is best (maybe cause i'm using Foundation for a while). But as i tried to make it work i had to fix 2 things.

I don't use compass so i got error that mixin for box-sizing is missing. Would be great if you add it since it's only 4 lines of code.

Also i found that my content overflow far away beyond viewpoint even if width was set. Simply changed width: grid-calc($i, $total-columns) part to max-width to fix that. Maybe it was something with my css (or rather lack of it) but still i think max-width is more reliable.

@up Also a question. Can classes like large-middle be asigned to not only rows but also columns ? Since id doesn't seems to work now.

@up And another thing (i will probably be editing this issue few more times...). Can you make off-canvas fixed and scrollable ? Thanks

@up Also i don't really get how does "automatic" part work. Does each column need to have size class even if all of them doing the same ? Changed it for row class with i think is better :

.row.auto > * {
    flex: auto;

@up And there's still more... I really liked how in Foundation you don't needed to specify all grid classes like (large-6 medium-4 small-12). You could skip small-12 because at default column was at 100% but using your grid if i miss it it overflow. Temporary fixed it using:

.row > * { max-width: 100%; }
.row > * { width: initial; }
or even
.row > * { min-width: 0; }

before generated size classes. I know i'm trying to make it working more like Foundation but i'm used to it already and it's easier to do this than getting used to anything new.

Once again thanks for great framework and keep it up !

fclaussen commented 9 years ago

Hi @Mizuiro Thank you for testing it. I'll revise all your questions and suggestions asap and get back to you.

If you feel like it, you can also change what you fell needs a fix and submit a pull request for me to revise and become a direct contributor.