fcoury / octopi

A Ruby interface to GitHub API v2
MIT License
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Syntax Error when loading YAML from Github #72

Open tuesy opened 12 years ago

tuesy commented 12 years ago

I'm running octopi 0.4.5 and recently I've started seeing a parse error when pulling data from Github, it looks like. Has anything changed on the Github side?

Here's my code:

authenticated do <my code, but never gets here> end

Here's my stack trace:

ArgumentError in PagesController#commits

syntax error on line 2, col 41: ` ' Rails.root: /Users/badgeville/git/widgets

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace /Users/badgeville/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p174/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:133:in load' /Users/badgeville/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p174/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:133:inload' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty/parser.rb:120:in yaml' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty/parser.rb:136:insend' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty/parser.rb:136:in parse_supported_format' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty/parser.rb:103:inparse' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty/parser.rb:66:in call' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty/request.rb:238:inparse_response' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty/request.rb:208:in handle_response' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty/request.rb:88:inperform' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty.rb:395:in perform_request' httparty (0.8.2) lib/httparty.rb:347:inget' octopi (0.4.5) lib/octopi/api.rb:118:in get' octopi (0.4.5) lib/octopi/api.rb:182:insubmit' octopi (0.4.5) lib/octopi/api.rb:117:in get' octopi (0.4.5) lib/octopi/api.rb:100:infind' octopi (0.4.5) lib/octopi/resource.rb:41:in `find'

francois2metz commented 12 years ago

The API v2 is now deprecated.

tuesy commented 12 years ago

Thanks, "octokit" works well.