fd4s / fs2-kafka

Functional Kafka Streams for Scala
Apache License 2.0
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commitBatch, commitBatchOption methods missing #1010

Closed Matzz closed 9 months ago

Matzz commented 2 years ago

Hi, Consumer documentation mention commitBatch, commitBatchOption. However, they do not exist in the code: https://github.com/fd4s/fs2-kafka/search?q=commitBatchOption

I wanted to use commitBatch which suppose use underlying chunks. My stream is already chunked because I try to commit offsets already grouped for producer:

val run = {
    val producerSettings: fs2.kafka.ProducerSettings[cats.effect.IO, String, String] = ???
    val consumerSettings: fs2.kafka.ConsumerSettings[cats.effect.IO, String, String] = ???
      .flatMap { producer =>
          .map { committable =>
            val key = committable.record.key
            val value = committable.record.value
            val record = ProducerRecord("topic", key, value)
            ProducerRecords.one(record, committable.offset)
          .groupWithin(500, 15.seconds)
          .evalMap { chunk =>
            val offsetsChunk: fs2.Chunk[CommittableOffset[effect.IO]] = chunk.map(_.passthrough)
            ??? // What to put here.

In general I don't see real example in docs for using passthrough of producer to commit consumed offsets.

ASRagab commented 2 years ago


Those methods were removed in an earlier version, the PR above updated the documentation to reflect that, this ticket can probably be closed.