fdarian / prisma-generator-drizzle

A Prisma generator for generating Drizzle schema with ease
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Support new types from Drizzle 0.31.0 #70

Open Jonatthu opened 1 week ago

Jonatthu commented 1 week ago


Prisma hasn't yet supported geometry officially, but that does not mean we cannot generate from our schema these types using this generator! :D

If somehow this is already supported by default, please let me know how to accomplish such a thing with comments on the prisma file so the generator import the right types for geometry (PostGis) and pg_vector

fdarian commented 1 week ago

How do you define it in Prisma? for example, for database push or migration

As long as we can identify which prisma field/type to override, I think this could be done easily. Fyi I have drizzle.custom in the pipeline to make this much easier. Maybe it could be done like

model A {
  /// drizzle.custom {
  ///   field: { func: "line", imports: [...], opts: { ... } }
  /// }
  line Int  
Jonatthu commented 6 days ago

@fdarian Yes allowing some custom fields and imports from comments on prisma to be generated down would be great, but I feel like since this is going to become a common thing it would be better something like:

// @import: import { geometry } from 'drizzle'; 
model Place {
    id                String                     @id @unique @default(dbgenerated("gen_random_uuid()")) @db.Uuid
    name              String
    // @type: geometry('geo', { type: 'point' })
    location          Unsupported("geometry")?
    @@index([location], map: "place_location_idx", type: Gist)

This is just an example but maybe not the ideal api, I am not sure if you already support this actually. From drizzle docs this is basically what we are trying to achieve to support:

image image
Jonatthu commented 8 hours ago

@fdarian any ideas?