fdcl-gwu / uav_simulator

Python - Gazebo Simulation Environment for a UAV with Geometric Control
MIT License
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[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/uav_simulator/build' when trying to build using catkin_make #13

Open amarnath-asteria opened 1 month ago

amarnath-asteria commented 1 month ago


I followed the instructions as given and i accessed the docker bash and tried to build using catkin_make. when i try running using sudo, it asked for the password which is not given

kanishkegb commented 1 month ago

What sudo commands are you trying inside docker? Can you show me the specific line of code that uses sudo?

amarnath-asteria commented 1 month ago

What sudo commands are you trying inside docker? Can you show me the specific line of code that uses sudo?

I am trying to do catkin_make to build the uav_simulator

kanishkegb commented 1 month ago

On the screenshot, I can see you are running a sudo command. What command is that?