fdebrus / hayward-ha

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Token refresh generate google api warning #10

Closed fdebrus closed 4 months ago

fdebrus commented 4 months ago

For each refresh as the watcher gets unsubcribe, a warning is generated. safe to ignore ? integration is working and token is being refreshed as it should.

async def refresh_listener(self):
    """Refresh the Firestore listener if token was refreshed."""
    if self.watch:
        _LOGGER.debug("Unsubscribing old listener")

    _LOGGER.debug("Re-subscribing with new token")
    await self.subscribe()

Logger: google.api_core.bidi Source: custom_components/aquarite/aquarite.py:110 integration: Aquarite (documentation, issues) First occurred: 3:55:42 PM (1 occurrences) Last logged: 3:55:42 PM Background thread did not exit.

fdebrus commented 4 months ago


fdebrus commented 4 months ago

I will catch the warning and only publish it in debug log if enabled. something like

async def refresh_listener(self):
    """Refresh the Firestore listener if token was refreshed."""
    if self.watch:
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                _LOGGER.debug(f"Unsubscribing old listener: {self.watch}")
        except Warning as w:
            _LOGGER.debug(f"Ignored warning: {w}")

    _LOGGER.debug("Re-subscribing with new token")
    await self.subscribe()


   warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Background thread did not exit.*", category=UserWarning)

Will try and publish new release if confirmed stable

fdebrus commented 4 months ago

Here is the debug log of google.api_core.bidi, will investigate

2024-05-09 19:22:07.847 INFO (MainThread) [google.cloud.firestore_v1.watch] RPC termination has signaled manager shutdown. 2024-05-09 19:22:07.849 DEBUG (Thread-6 (_run)) [google.api_core.bidi] Cleanly exiting request generator. 2024-05-09 19:22:07.850 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [google.api_core.bidi] Call to retryable <bound method ResumableBidiRpc._recv of <google.api_core.bidi.ResumableBidiRpc object at 0x7fbb2888fd10>> caused <_MultiThreadedRendezvous of RPC that terminated with: 2024-05-09 19:22:07.850 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [google.api_core.bidi] Terminating <bound method ResumableBidiRpc._recv of <google.api_core.bidi.ResumableBidiRpc object at 0x7fbb2888fd10>> due to <_MultiThreadedRendezvous of RPC that terminated with: 2024-05-09 19:22:07.851 DEBUG (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [google.api_core.bidi] recved response. 2024-05-09 19:22:08.850 WARNING (MainThread) [google.api_core.bidi] Background thread did not exit. 2024-05-09 19:22:08.857 DEBUG (MainThread) [google.api_core.bidi] Started helper thread Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream 2024-05-09 19:22:08.858 INFO (Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream) [google.api_core.bidi] Thread-ConsumeBidirectionalStream exiting

fdebrus commented 4 months ago

Filtered the warning from being displayed in the log. Still investigating if this is confirmed to be safe to ignore.

fdebrus commented 4 months ago

The logging is coming from the BackgroundConsumer.stop method in google/api_core/bidi.py:

def stop(self):
    """Stop consuming the stream and shutdown the background thread."""
    with self._operational_lock:

        if self._thread is not None:
            # Resume the thread to wake it up in case it is sleeping.
            # The daemonized thread may itself block, so don't wait
            # for it longer than a second.
            if self._thread.is_alive():  # pragma: NO COVER
                _LOGGER.warning("Background thread did not exit.")

        self._thread = None

According my various reading, this is safe to ignore.

fdebrus commented 4 months ago

Solved in 0.0.9b2, safe to ignore warning. Logging level set to ERROR for api_core.bidi

suppress warning message from google.api_core.bidi

logger = logging.getLogger('google.api_core.bidi') logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)