fdegier / homebridge-jablotron-alarm

Homebridge plugin for connecting Jablotron JA-100 alarm systems to Homekit.
The Unlicense
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help to configure #63

Closed SilvioMigu closed 2 years ago

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

Goodnight I have the jablotron 100 alarm at home, and I have hoobs installed, working with other plugins like shelly and others... However, I don't know anything about programming, but I like to use Homekit.

"MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ACCEPTED THE JABLOTRON TERMS OF SERVICE OR YOUR ACCOUNT WILL NOT WORK." In my jablotron app or on pc, after having installed the plugin, it didn't appear anywhere for me to accept the terms? What did I do wrong ?

So I installed the Jablotron plugin, and copied the configuration and changed only the following parameters:

{ "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge", "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30", "port": 51826, "pin": "031-45-155" }, "accessories": [], "platforms": [ { "platform": "Jablotron", "name": "Jablotron", "services": [ { "id": 123456, I don't know, where will I see the ID??? "name": "Home", "username": "username", I entered my email "password": "password", I entered my password "pincode": "pincode", I entered my code "autoRefresh": true, "pollInterval": 60, "refreshOnStateChange": true, "debug": false, "sections": [ { "name": "House", "segment_id": "STATE_1", "segment_key": "section_1", "keyboard_key": "keyboard_2_3", "partiallyArmedMode": "Night" }, { "name": "Cell", "segment_id": "STATE_2", "segment_key": "section_2", "armedMode": "Home" }, { "name": "Terrace", "segment_id": "STATE_3", "segment_key": "section_3" } ], "switches": [ { "name": "Hooter", "segment_id": "PGM_1", "segment_key": "pgm_1" } ], "outlets": [ { "name": "Camera", "segment_id": "PGM_2", "segment_key": "pgm_2" } ] } ] } ] }

If anyone can help me with the code I only have one keyboard, with 3 sections

If anyone can help with the code, I would greatly appreciate it.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

I have just this: image

fdegier commented 2 years ago

Hi, did you create a new account for the alarm? If so, then you need to login using that account to Jablonet to accept the terms.

To get the ID you need to run the helper: https://github.com/fdegier/homebridge-jablotron-alarm#identify-jablotron-services-and-devices

Does this help?

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

No, I didn't create a new account.

Or do I need to close section and log back into jablotron account?

I don’t understand how i run the helper !?

I click on the link you left and it goes to the plugin's start page… sorry for my lack of understanding

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

ok, I already saw that you need to run “config-helper.js”.
But where do I do it?

fdegier commented 2 years ago

Login to the shell of wherever you are running Homebridge, use that terminal.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago


SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

here ?
Am I writing something wrong? says error, cannot find module

fdegier commented 2 years ago

For Hoobs the locations are different:

HOOBS 2.1.1 - /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ HOOBS 3 - ~/.hoobs/node_modules/

Go there, find the Jablotron module and the config helper

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

As is Hoobs, I no longer need to run “config-helper.js” or do I have to go to /hoobs/node_modules/ and run ?

I'm sorry, but these steps are already complicated for me, and you don't have to teach either...

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago


fdegier commented 2 years ago

Yes you need to go to the module folder and run the config helper, as it will provide you with the configuration but more importantly the service ID, which there is no other way to retrieve it.

If you want you can email me so we can setup a screen share meeting or you could create an account for me temporarily and I can run the command for you.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

tomorrow I'll try to find out where the folder is. if I can't, which is most likely I can't, we talk by email and you try to get into my pc with TeamViewer or another, to help me.
thank you for everything, soon I will give news

fdegier commented 2 years ago

Did you manage to get it working?

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

I still couldn't find the module folder, to run the config helper. I've already tried to find the raspberry pi's IP, to enter it, I'm not sure, if that's how I'll find the folder "~/.hoobs/node_modules/"

fdegier commented 2 years ago

Can you give me your email? I can setup a Zoom / Slack call to help you.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

Yes, you will have to help me by zoom or another program. But right now I'm working, I'm not at home. I'm from Portugal 😉 We have to agree a time, compatible for both.

fdegier commented 2 years ago

Feel free to schedule: https://calendly.com/d/cqb-2jf-nm4/one-off-meeting

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

It's very nice of you to share a calendar to schedule help. But I get home from work at 7pm, looks like it won't be easy. You have no way of explaining or showing with a video, for example, how can I get to the jablotron module folder and run the run “config-helper.js” It's an idea, if you find it easy to somehow explain it to me

fdegier commented 2 years ago

Ok I created an app that you can use to retrieve the config, all you need to do is enter your email and password. Check it out: https://jablotron-config-helper-api.herokuapp.com/docs

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

Thanks for everything, I'll see if this is what I can do!

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

Hi I already tested the app, and finally found the ID Then I copied the code that was created by the app, I don't know if I was supposed to copy all of it, but I copied it all and pasted it into the plugin. But then I saw that the " "pincode": "Enter Your pincode" was missing in the code that the application created. And so? Or do I have to put it on myself? Thank you, the app is fantastic

fdegier commented 2 years ago

Great to hear! Yeah for pincode you just need to add the pincode you use on the keypad.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

In the meantime I've been changing the jablotron password, and this morning the equipment from my MyJablobron app disappeared and also on the website, I can't find the equipment. I've screwed up, for sure. I don't know how it is with you, but as it was an autozied installer from Jablotron that installed everything, so he is the one who manages the problems. But I think I should have full access to the equipment, to be able to do something else. I can only change the password and code, is this normal?

fdegier commented 2 years ago

That's annoying. I am a licensed installer so I have full access. In essence you can have it too, you need F-link and the master pincode, but do note that this software is quite tedious and if you have warranty on it from the installer, best to leave it.

Usually my clients only have a Jablotron account to login to the app. If people buy it and want to install it themself, they get F-link and therefor full root.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

I copy this code, and past in plugin

{ "status": "OK", "configs": [ { "id": my i, "name": "Moradia Recarei", "username":"my email", "password": " my pass", "pincode": "my pincode", "service_type": "JA100", "autoRefresh": "True", "poolInterval": 60, "refreshOnStateChange": true, "debug": false, "sections": [ { "name": "Piso 1", "segment_id": "STATE_1", "segment_key": "section_1", "armedMode": "Away" }, { "name": "Cave", "segment_id": "STATE_2", "segment_key": "section_2", "armedMode": "Away" }, { "name": "Total", "segment_id": "STATE_3", "segment_key": "section_3", "armedMode": "Away" } ], "switches": [ { "name": "Saída PG 1", "segment_id": "PGM_1", "segment_key": "pgm_1" }, { "name": "Saída PG 2", "segment_id": "PGM_2", "segment_key": "pgm_2" }, { "name": "Saída PG 3", "segment_id": "PGM_3", "segment_key": "pgm_3" }, { "name": "Saída PG 4", "segment_id": "PGM_4", "segment_key": "pgm_4" } ] } ], "platform": "Jablotron" }

fdegier commented 2 years ago

That is not good, let me share an example with you.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

Now I'm waiting for the installer to put the device back into my jablotron account. I do not know what happened.

Even after I copied the code created by the app, I logged in and out several times, waiting for it to appear for me to accept the terms, but it never appeared.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

So do you think that when I tried to put Jablotron on the home app, for security reasons, the equipment was removed from my jablotron account?

fdegier commented 2 years ago

So do you think that when I tried to put Jablotron on the home app, for security reasons, the equipment was removed from my jablotron account?

That would be impossible. I think you just have the wrong account.

Your config in Homebridge needs to look something like this:

    "bridge": {
        "name": "redacted",
        "username": "redacted",
        "port": "redacted",
        "pin": "redacted",
        "bind": [
        "advertiser": "ciao"
    "platforms": [
            "name": "Jablotron",
            "services": [
                    "id": "redacted",
                    "name": "Jablotron",
                    "username": "redacted",
                    "password": "redacted",
                    "pincode": "redacted",
                    "autoRefresh": true,
                    "poolInterval": 60,
                    "refreshOnStateChange": true,
                    "debug": false,
                    "sections": [
                            "name": "Alarm system",
                            "segment_id": "STATE_1",
                            "segment_key": "section_1",
                            "keyboard_key": "keyboard_2_3",
                            "armedMode": "Away"
                            "name": "Office",
                            "segment_id": "STATE_2",
                            "segment_key": "section_2",
                            "keyboard_key": "keyboard_2_3",
                            "armedMode": "Away",
                            "partiallyArmedMode": "Home"
                            "name": "PIR",
                            "segment_id": "STATE_3",
                            "segment_key": "section_3",
                            "keyboard_key": "keyboard_2_3",
                            "armedMode": "Away",
                            "partiallyArmedMode": "Home"
                    "switches": [
                            "name": "Alarm switch",
                            "segment_id": "STATE_1",
                            "segment_key": "section_1"
            "platform": "Jablotron"
            "name": "Config",
            "port": 8090,
            "auth": "form",
            "theme": "auto",
            "tempUnits": "c",
            "lang": "en",
            "platform": "config"
    "disabledPlugins": []

If you are uncomfortable editing JSON, I suggest you use the Homebridge settings menu.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

I only have one account. I don't even know how to create another one. The installer took care of that. Then I changed the password and the Pin.

Last night, I was changing my password, two or three times, and I was logging in and out a few times, to see if the part where I accepted the terms came up. But it didn't show up However, the equipment disappeared.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

When the installer puts the equipment on my account, I will test this code. Thank you very much for your patience.

fdegier commented 2 years ago

To clarify: if you are already able to use the Jablotron app, you already accepted the terms. A lot of people were creating new accounts, then complaining it didn't work, because they never logged into that account before.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

Its normal ? In the homekit app it does not appear I do not know what else to do... image

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

Now I created a bridge just for Jablotron image

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

But when I go to add accessory, doesn't appearimage

fdegier commented 2 years ago

What is the status now? Is your Jablotron app working again?

If it works in the Jablotron app, it should just work as well in Homebridge

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

Hi In myjablotron application my owner email, the equipment does not appear. However, I had my wife as a sub-owner and with her email I can access the myjablotron application.

However, I've already managed to get the plugin working in the homekit. What is strange is that I got it with my owner email, which stopped working in the myjablotron app.

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

But it's already working image

fdegier commented 2 years ago

Ok, weird. Glad to hear that it works now, enjoy!

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

Hello again Now I cannot arm or disarm the alarm. After arming the alarm, then I can't disarm it, it only works again after I restart Hoobs. In the logs this appears, do you know what it is? image

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

I noticed now, that I had not activated the "autorefresh" I already activated it, let's see if this is it

SilvioMigu commented 2 years ago

I can now arm and disarm in the hoobs log, it gives this error: image

misncz commented 2 years ago

I just noticed I'm getting "Unable to parse JSON" error too. Looks like it's properly communicating with the cloud and after some time I starts getting incorrect reply or gets broken by something unexpected. I'm investigating it now with some additional logging

fdegier commented 2 years ago

@misncz please see release https://github.com/fdegier/homebridge-jablotron-alarm/releases/tag/v2.5.0

misncz commented 2 years ago

@misncz please see release https://github.com/fdegier/homebridge-jablotron-alarm/releases/tag/v2.5.0

@fdegier when I was debugging iPhone app traffic for thermometers I noticed they call API 1.9 but given thermometers worked fine with 1.6 I didn't change the API version in the client lib. Interesting ... good spot!

fdegier commented 2 years ago

@misncz please see release https://github.com/fdegier/homebridge-jablotron-alarm/releases/tag/v2.5.0

@fdegier when I was debugging iPhone app traffic for thermometers I noticed they call API 1.9 but given thermometers worked fine with 1.6 I didn't change the API version in the client lib. Interesting ... good spot!

Interesting, I tried 1.9 but it gave a bunch of errors so I suspected 1.9 was not available. We had a good run on 1.6, its been that version since the original release of this plugin.