fdetsch / MODIS

Download and processing framework for MODIS imagery. The package provides automated access to the global online data archives LP DAAC, LAADS and NSIDC as well as processing capabilities such as file conversion, mosaicking, subsetting and time series.
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open bracket in password caused sh syntax error #105

Closed itati01 closed 2 years ago

itati01 commented 3 years ago


I wanted to use getHdf() to download M*D16A2GF files. In contrast to non-GF files, the attempt resulted in authentication errors and empty hdf files before I used Earthdatalogin(). However, my original password contained an open bracket. This caused a "sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" error. After changing the password, the download is now working. May be an "escape" is needed? The issue could be related to #102.

I tested the latest development version with remotes::install_github("MatMatt/MODIS", ref = "develop").

fdetsch commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I am able to reproduce this with a new password starting with $. MODIS:::checkEarthdataLogin() then returns:

sh: 1: not found

fdetsch commented 2 years ago

So here's my findings:

curl doesn't seem to care whether or not there's metacharacters in the Earthdata password. curl::handle_setopt(..., userpwd = paste0(usr, ":", pwd) likely handles this internally. So as long as dlmethod = "curl" (which hasn't been the default so far, but I am thinking about changing this permanently), you should be fine.

For all other download methods, including wget, things get more complicated and the only viable solution that I could come up with was to wrap username and password in single quotes before passing them on as download.files() extras. As a consequence, it is no longer permitted to have single quotes in your Earthdata password to avoid

sh: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

errors. If you want to try this yourself, remember to

  , ref = "105-open-bracket-in-password-caused-sh-syntax-error"

before re-running your code.

itati01 commented 2 years ago

I added a $ and a ( to my current password and the code works, i.e. starts to download HDFs (I stopped the process after the first HDFs appeared in the temp folder):

MODISoptions(check_earthdata_login=TRUE, dlmethod="curl", MODISserverOrder="LPDAAC")
getHdf(product="MOD16A2GF", begin=modis_dates$beginDOY, end=modis_dates$endDOY, tileH=18:20, tileV=4)

However, there seems to be an issue in MODISoptions: Without MODISserverOrder="LPDAAC", the error Error in match.arg(server, several.ok = TRUE) :'arg' should be one of '“LPDAAC”, “LAADS”'` is raised. Is this intended, or should I open a new issue?

fdetsch commented 2 years ago

That's intended. My plan is to handle arguments passed to MODISoptions() a bit stricter using assertions, e.g. via checkmate. Nothing that's ready for release just yet, though.