fdetsch / MODIS

Download and processing framework for MODIS imagery. The package provides automated access to the global online data archives LP DAAC, LAADS and NSIDC as well as processing capabilities such as file conversion, mosaicking, subsetting and time series.
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Trying to get runGdal() working on mac #84

Open dkcorvus86 opened 4 years ago

dkcorvus86 commented 4 years ago

Because, I have yet to be able to get MODIS to function properly on my PC (see thread here), I decided to give it a try on my lab's Mac. I installed homebrew and followed the instructions to install GDal. When I run MODIS:::checkTools("GDal") it returns

Checking availability of GDAL: OK, GDAL 3.0.4, released 2020/01/28 found!

but when I run the code from the ebird best practices (same code as previous thread it returns

######################## outProj = +proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs (if applicable, derived from Raster/Spatial/sf* object) pixelSize = asIn resamplingType = near Output Directory = /Volumes/MyBook 10TB/haleydata/data/modis ######################## Local structure is up-to-date. Using offline information! ERROR 4: `/private/var/folders/v1/7z17lhmj2lz33g6j2f97vfrh0000gq/T/RtmpQ2EiQM/MODIS_ARC/MODIS/MCD12Q1.006/2010.01.01/MCD12Q1.A2010001.h10v06.006.2018145235138.hdf' not recognized as a supported file format. gdalinfo failed - unable to open '/private/var/folders/v1/7z17lhmj2lz33g6j2f97vfrh0000gq/T/RtmpQ2EiQM/MODIS_ARC/MODIS/MCD12Q1.006/2010.01.01/MCD12Q1.A2010001.h10v06.006.2018145235138.hdf'.

It continues to repeat this error, and nothing gets downloaded, processes, and deposited into the out file. Clearly, I am doing something wrong on both OS and they appear to be two separate problems(?).

fdetsch commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I'll try to dig a little deeper into this within the next couple of days.

dkcorvus86 commented 4 years ago


Not a problem at all. I appreciate your continued help while I navigate this new terrain.

dmontecino commented 4 years ago

https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/183230/gdal-not-available-in-modis-r-package. This may help.

fdetsch commented 4 years ago

@dkcorvus86 Can you try again with the latest pkg version? All GDAL related operations have been moved to sf::gdal_utils(). You hopefully shouldn't experience such problems any longer.