fdezcaminero / NewsweekClone

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Front page #8

Closed fdezcaminero closed 4 years ago

fdezcaminero commented 4 years ago

I've been working on this project for a couple of weeks. Many smart people gave me radically different advice one from another on how to use Bootstrap. I hope I did a good job.

Until almost the very end I was working without looking at anyone else's code. Which I believe is not considered cheating, but I want to push myself.

Live link: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/fdezcaminero/NewsweekClone/blob/Front-page/index.html

I practiced the golden technique of making the skeleton first.

Then I loaded up Bootstrap to my HTML. I didn't know which one to use, so I ended up loading the full package.

Some of my teammates told me that the rules that bootstrap defines as !important shouldn't be used, since that is considered bad practice. Another Microverse friend told me that it's OK to used those rules, since it was part of Bootstrap. I ended up listening to the latter friend. But if you look closely into my code you can see some rules in the CSS that could have been done with Bootstrap.

I started working, but I forgot to put the rows and columns into containers. When I came around doing that, all the overflowing issues were beautifully solved.

It was very satisfying to finish this.