fdhliakbar / Algorithms

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Python #14

Open fdhliakbar opened 1 month ago

fdhliakbar commented 1 month ago

from ai_pkg.planning import PlanningProblem, Action, goal_test from ai_pkg.utils import expr

def double_tennis_problem(): initial = 'At(A, LeftBaseLine) & At(B, RightNet) & Approaching(Ball, RightBaseLine) & Team(A, B) & Team(B, A)'

goal = 'Returned(Ball) & At(a, LeftNet) & At(b, LeftNet)'

action = [
    Action('Hit(player, Ball, loc)',
           precond='Approaching(Ball, loc) & At(player, loc)',

    Action('Go(player, to, loc)',
           precond='At(player, loc)',
           effect='At(player, to)'),


return PlanningProblem(init=initial, goals=goal, actions=action)

if name == 'main': p = double_tennis_problem() print(goal_test(p.goals, p.init))

solution = [
    expr("Go(A, LeftNet, LeftBaseLine)"),
    expr("Go(B, RightBaseLine, RightNet)"),
    expr("Hit(B, Ball, RightBaseLine)")

for action in solution:

print(goal_test(p.goals, p.init))
arrowandbow12 commented 1 month ago

Can you explain what the issue is and provide the packages imported above?