This issue only happens on the websocket protocol. On XHR streaming, the large payload is passed through to the Sock Actor without an issues. The JSON payload I am sending is 0.5 MB in size.
The following can be observed:
[debug] c.k.c.a.SockActor - Actor started: akka://play-dev-mode/user/StreamSupervisor-0/$$i[debug] c.k.c.a.SockActor - Actor ended: akka://play-dev-mode/user/StreamSupervisor-0/$$i
I am provisioning the actor as follows:
private static final int STREAMING_QUOTA = 4096;
private static final int SIXTEEN = 16;
public SockActorController(ActorSystem actorSystem) {
this.actorSystem = actorSystem;
public SockJSSettings settings() {
return new SockJSSettings().withStreamingQuota(STREAMING_QUOTA);
public SockJS sockjs() {
return SockJS.Json.accept(req -> ActorFlow.<JsonNode,
JsonNode>actorRef(out -> SockActor.props(out),
This issue only happens on the websocket protocol. On XHR streaming, the large payload is passed through to the Sock Actor without an issues. The JSON payload I am sending is 0.5 MB in size.
The following can be observed:
[debug] c.k.c.a.SockActor - Actor started: akka://play-dev-mode/user/StreamSupervisor-0/$$i
[debug] c.k.c.a.SockActor - Actor ended: akka://play-dev-mode/user/StreamSupervisor-0/$$i
I am provisioning the actor as follows:
Is STREAMING_QUOTA the bottleneck here?