Closed guidol70 closed 3 years ago
I've just implemented the RTC clock and improved a bit the BIOS, so it should work now. Thank you for tests!
Its much better, but there is "space for optimization" because when I in GW-BASIC use
5 TIME$="13:25:00"
20 IF TIME$="00:00:00" THEN END
30 GOTO 10
then TIME$ ouput starts at 12:59:58
and with
5 TIME$="12:07:00"
then TIME$ output starts at 11:59:58
So TIME$ is missing to aquire the minutes and seconds :( and did loose additional 2 seconds...
The variable TIMER seems to be OK :) because the number is right for PRINT (HOURS3600)+(MIN60)+SEC like 46803 for 13:00:03
Thanks, I forgot to save DX in INT 1A, subfunction 1. I never thought this project would improve my skills with 8086 assembler and writing a PC BIOS ;-)
Cool :) That did the job for my "problem". If you want you can keep this issue closed ;)
for speed testing I did try to measure the time in GW-BASIC (or QBASIC) with the variables TIMER and TIME$, but after the TIMER does reach 65.47 (seconds) the TIME$ starts/resets to 00:00:00 and also TIMER is reseting.
Normally TIMER only does count upwards and TIME$ has the actual time of is counting also upwards (slower than TIMER).
You could see the issue by running this short program: 10 PRINT TIMER, TIME$ 20 IF TIME$="00:00:00" THEN END 30 GOTO 10