Closed magore closed 3 years ago
Thank you for tests. Could you also test following examples?
Here is the result for Others/KeyboardVirtualKeys pressing all of the keys left to right and top down
Reset [93m
PS/2 Keyboard Virtual Keys Chip Revision: 1 Chip Frequency: 240 MHz Keyboard Error! Commands: 1 = US Layout 2 = UK Layout 3 = DE Layout 4 = IT Layout 5 = ES Layout r = Reset q = Scancode set 1 w = Scancode set 2 l = Test LEDs Various: h = Print This help
Use Serial Monitor to issue commands
VK_ESCAPE: ASCII = 0x1B DN [76 ]
VK_ESCAPE: ASCII = 0x1B UP [F0 76 ]
VK_F1: ASCII = 0x00 DN [05 ]
VK_F1: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 05 ]
VK_F2: ASCII = 0x00 DN [06 ]
VK_F2: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 06 ]
VK_F3: ASCII = 0x00 DN [04 ]
VK_F3: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 04 ]
VK_F4: ASCII = 0x00 DN [0C ]
VK_F4: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 0C ]
VK_F5: ASCII = 0x00 DN [03 ]
VK_F5: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 03 ]
VK_F6: ASCII = 0x00 DN [0B ]
VK_F6: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 0B ]
VK_F7: ASCII = 0x00 DN [83 ]
VK_F7: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 83 ]
VK_F8: ASCII = 0x00 DN [0A ]
VK_F8: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 0A ]
VK_F9: ASCII = 0x00 DN [01 ]
VK_F9: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 01 ]
VK_F10: ASCII = 0x00 DN [09 ]
VK_F10: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 09 ]
VK_F11: ASCII = 0x00 DN [78 ]
VK_F11: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 78 ]
VK_F12: ASCII = 0x00 DN [07 ]
VK_F12: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 07 ]
VK_DELETE: ASCII = 0x7F '' DN [E0 71 ]
VK_DELETE: ASCII = 0x7F '' UP [E0 F0 71 ]
' UP [F0 0E ]
VK_1: ASCII = 0x31 '1' DN [16 ]
VK_1: ASCII = 0x31 '1' UP [F0 16 ]
VK_2: ASCII = 0x32 '2' DN [1E ]
VK_2: ASCII = 0x32 '2' UP [F0 1E ]
VK_3: ASCII = 0x33 '3' DN [26 ]
VK_3: ASCII = 0x33 '3' UP [F0 26 ]
VK_4: ASCII = 0x34 '4' DN [25 ]
VK_4: ASCII = 0x34 '4' UP [F0 25 ]
VK_5: ASCII = 0x35 '5' DN [2E ]
VK_5: ASCII = 0x35 '5' UP [F0 2E ]
VK_6: ASCII = 0x36 '6' DN [36 ]
VK_6: ASCII = 0x36 '6' UP [F0 36 ]
VK_7: ASCII = 0x37 '7' DN [3D ]
VK_7: ASCII = 0x37 '7' UP [F0 3D ]
VK_8: ASCII = 0x38 '8' DN [3E ]
VK_8: ASCII = 0x38 '8' UP [F0 3E ]
VK_9: ASCII = 0x39 '9' DN [46 ]
VK_9: ASCII = 0x39 '9' UP [F0 46 ]
VK_0: ASCII = 0x30 '0' DN [45 ]
VK_0: ASCII = 0x30 '0' UP [F0 45 ]
VK_MINUS: ASCII = 0x2D '-' DN [4E ]
VK_MINUS: ASCII = 0x2D '-' UP [F0 4E ]
VK_EQUALS: ASCII = 0x3D '=' DN [55 ]
VK_EQUALS: ASCII = 0x3D '=' UP [F0 55 ]
VK_BACKSPACE: ASCII = 0x08 UP [F0 66 ]
VK_HOME: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 6C ]
VK_HOME: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 6C ]
VK_TAB: ASCII = 0x09 DN [0D ]
VK_TAB: ASCII = 0x09 UP [F0 0D ]
VK_q: ASCII = 0x71 'q' DN [15 ]
VK_q: ASCII = 0x71 'q' UP [F0 15 ]
VK_w: ASCII = 0x77 'w' DN [1D ]
VK_w: ASCII = 0x77 'w' UP [F0 1D ]
VK_e: ASCII = 0x65 'e' DN [24 ]
VK_e: ASCII = 0x65 'e' UP [F0 24 ]
VK_r: ASCII = 0x72 'r' DN [2D ]
VK_r: ASCII = 0x72 'r' UP [F0 2D ]
VK_t: ASCII = 0x74 't' DN [2C ]
VK_t: ASCII = 0x74 't' UP [F0 2C ]
VK_y: ASCII = 0x79 'y' DN [35 ]
VK_y: ASCII = 0x79 'y' UP [F0 35 ]
VK_u: ASCII = 0x75 'u' DN [3C ]
VK_u: ASCII = 0x75 'u' UP [F0 3C ]
VK_i: ASCII = 0x69 'i' DN [43 ]
VK_i: ASCII = 0x69 'i' UP [F0 43 ]
VK_o: ASCII = 0x6F 'o' DN [44 ]
VK_o: ASCII = 0x6F 'o' UP [F0 44 ]
VK_p: ASCII = 0x70 'p' DN [4D ]
VK_p: ASCII = 0x70 'p' UP [F0 4D ]
VK_LEFTBRACKET: ASCII = 0x5B '[' UP [F0 54 ]
VK_BACKSLASH: ASCII = 0x5C '\' UP [F0 5D ]
VK_PAGEUP: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 7D ]
VK_PAGEUP: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 7D ]
VK_CAPSLOCK: ASCII = 0x00 DN [58 ]
VK_CAPSLOCK: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 58 ]
VK_A: ASCII = 0x41 'A' UP [F0 1C ]
VK_S: ASCII = 0x53 'S' DN [1B ]
VK_S: ASCII = 0x53 'S' UP [F0 1B ]
VK_D: ASCII = 0x44 'D' DN [23 ]
VK_D: ASCII = 0x44 'D' UP [F0 23 ]
VK_F: ASCII = 0x46 'F' DN [2B ]
VK_F: ASCII = 0x46 'F' UP [F0 2B ]
VK_G: ASCII = 0x47 'G' DN [34 ]
VK_G: ASCII = 0x47 'G' UP [F0 34 ]
VK_H: ASCII = 0x48 'H' DN [33 ]
VK_H: ASCII = 0x48 'H' UP [F0 33 ]
VK_J: ASCII = 0x4A 'J' DN [3B ]
VK_J: ASCII = 0x4A 'J' UP [F0 3B ]
VK_K: ASCII = 0x4B 'K' DN [42 ]
VK_K: ASCII = 0x4B 'K' UP [F0 42 ]
VK_L: ASCII = 0x4C 'L' DN [4B ]
VK_L: ASCII = 0x4C 'L' UP [F0 4B ]
VK_SEMICOLON: ASCII = 0x3B ';' UP [F0 4C ]
VK_QUOTE: ASCII = 0x27 ''' DN [52 ]
VK_QUOTE: ASCII = 0x27 ''' UP [F0 52 ]
VK_PAGEDOWN: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 7A ]
VK_LSHIFT: ASCII = 0x00 DN [12 ]
VK_LSHIFT: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 12 ]
VK_Z: ASCII = 0x5A 'Z' DN [1A ]
VK_Z: ASCII = 0x5A 'Z' UP [F0 1A ]
VK_X: ASCII = 0x58 'X' DN [22 ]
VK_X: ASCII = 0x58 'X' UP [F0 22 ]
VK_C: ASCII = 0x43 'C' DN [21 ]
VK_C: ASCII = 0x43 'C' UP [F0 21 ]
VK_V: ASCII = 0x56 'V' DN [2A ]
VK_V: ASCII = 0x56 'V' UP [F0 2A ]
VK_B: ASCII = 0x42 'B' DN [32 ]
VK_B: ASCII = 0x42 'B' UP [F0 32 ]
VK_N: ASCII = 0x4E 'N' DN [31 ]
VK_N: ASCII = 0x4E 'N' UP [F0 31 ]
VK_M: ASCII = 0x4D 'M' DN [3A ]
VK_M: ASCII = 0x4D 'M' UP [F0 3A ]
VK_COMMA: ASCII = 0x2C ',' DN [41 ]
VK_COMMA: ASCII = 0x2C ',' UP [F0 41 ]
VK_PERIOD: ASCII = 0x2E '.' DN [49 ]
VK_PERIOD: ASCII = 0x2E '.' UP [F0 49 ]
VK_SLASH: ASCII = 0x2F '/' DN [4A ]
VK_SLASH: ASCII = 0x2F '/' UP [F0 4A ]
VK_RSHIFT: ASCII = 0x00 DN [59 ]
VK_RSHIFT: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 59 ]
VK_UP: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 75 ]
VK_UP: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 75 ]
VK_END: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 69 ]
VK_END: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 69 ]
VK_LCTRL: ASCII = 0x00 DN [14 ]
VK_LCTRL: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 14 ]
VK_LGUI: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 1F ]
VK_LGUI: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 1F ]
VK_LALT: ASCII = 0x00 DN [11 ]
VK_LALT: ASCII = 0x00 UP [F0 11 ]
VK_SPACE: ASCII = 0x20 ' ' DN [29 ]
VK_SPACE: ASCII = 0x20 ' ' UP [F0 29 ]
VK_RALT: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 11 ]
VK_RALT: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 11 ]
VK_RCTRL: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 14 ]
VK_RCTRL: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 14 ]
VK_INSERT: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 70 ]
VK_INSERT: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 70 ]
VK_LEFT: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 6B ]
VK_LEFT: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 6B ]
VK_DOWN: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 72 ]
VK_DOWN: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 72 ]
VK_RIGHT: ASCII = 0x00 DN [E0 74 ]
VK_RIGHT: ASCII = 0x00 UP [E0 F0 74 ]
Others/KeyboardVirtualKeys reports keycodes but gets a keyboard error as before in the help menu
Reset [93m
PS/2 Keyboard Scancodes Chip Revision: 1 Chip Frequency: 240 MHz Keyboard Error! Commands: q = Scancode set 1 w = Scancode set 2 l = Test LEDs r = Reset keyboard Various: h = Print This help
Use Serial Monitor to issue commands
Here is the left and right shift key 12 F0 12 59 F0 59
ok, with your help, I'll try to find a fix! It seems there is communication with the keyboard, but initialisation fails. Of course I cannot replicate, even with a TTGO v1.4, so I guess it depends by the keyboard type. Maybe it needs more time to reset. Just to start, I've just pushed a commit, could you try it?
Hi, I just pulled the updates and tried again Things have changed - I actually got it to work about 1 out of 10 tests
Observations: When it works: I get Device Id = "Unknown" Keyboard Layout: "US" ( I was able to change the layout at that point ) The leds alwasy flash just after reset (does not do this when it fails)
Between each test I erased the flash just to make sure everything was cleared out --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash
This is a working test: (I was even able to change the Layout to US in this example) PS/2 Keyboard Virtual Keys Chip Revision: 1 Chip Frequency: 240 MHz Device Id = "Unknown" Keyboard Layout: "US" Commands: 1 = US Layout 2 = UK Layout 3 = DE Layout 4 = IT Layout 5 = ES Layout r = Reset q = Scancode set 1 w = Scancode set 2 l = Test LEDs Various: h = Print This help
Use Serial Monitor to issue commands
FYI - the USB voltage at the board input is 4.85V. The voltage for the PS2 keyboard power pin is 4.083V. The logic signals appear to be near 3.3V according to my scope. I wonder if the PS2 power supply pin is too low (the spec calls for 5V on the power pin +/- 0.5V) Given the logic is open collector it likely will not matter as the signals are high enough. I am going to try ordering another keyboard an see what happens. I might split open a P2S extension and try boosting the supply voltage just a bit and see what happens.
Actually voltage is a bit low. While logic signal can be 3.3V (IBM PS/2 tech docs say so), the power should be 5V. Anyway, I'd like to relax a bit reset delays. I cannot commit it, but you should replace the files attached here in "src/devdrivers/keyboard.cpp" and "src/comdrivers/ps2device.cpp" folders of FabGL. keyboard.cpp ps2device.cpp
May be this can also help: on the TTGO VGA32 1.4, USB VBUS line (5V) is connected to 5V and then to keyboard power through D3 (BAT20J) diode. So, I guess: 1) USB power source is not good (not enough ampere lower voltage) 2) D3 is faulty 3) keyboard requires too much power
@fdivitto actual github does give me a compile error for RunCPM - seems to be also a PS2 source:
sketch\RunCPM_VGA32_v5_4_Internal_v2_3_Fix.ino.cpp.o:(.literal._Z5setupv+0x3c): undefined reference to `fabgl::PS2Controller::s_keyboard'
sketch\RunCPM_VGA32_v5_4_Internal_v2_3_Fix.ino.cpp.o:(.literal.exit._GLOBAL__sub_D_SD+0x4): undefined reference to `fabgl::PS2Controller::~PS2Controller()'
sketch\RunCPM_VGA32_v5_4_Internal_v2_3_Fix.ino.cpp.o: In function `FatVolume::chdir()':
C:\Users\guido\Documents\Arduino\libraries\SdFat\src/FatLib/FatVolume.h:67: undefined reference to `fabgl::PS2Controller::~PS2Controller()'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
exit status 1
Error compiling for board ESP32 Dev Module.
With FabGL from the 05.05.2021 & 25.04.2021 there isnt that problem
@fdivitto actual github does give me a compile error for RunCPM - seems to be also a PS2 source:
Could you try to cleanup the compiling folder? I am able to compile RunCPM with current master:
@fdivitto actual github does give me a compile error for RunCPM - seems to be also a PS2 source:
Could you try to cleanup the compiling folder? I am able to compile RunCPM with current master:
Ah OK ;) I deleted under
C:\Users\[Username\AppData\Local\Temp any
arduino_build* AND
and now it works with the newest
I did also read on some other users about such problems..maybe there is also the cache problem active.
Couldnt find in the preferences the CLICK about "Aggressively cache compiled core" like mentioned here
I tried the updated keyboard.cpp and ps2device.cpp files - that did not change the behaviour. I will try the power fix this afternoon and get back to you. Thanks for your help!
The power fix did not help - for the keyboard I have. Voltage now measures at 5.14V at the keyboard jack pin 4 - just a little high but in spec For my next try I will look at the keyboard signals with my logic analyser - I see there are a few sigrok p2s protocol decoders out there which will help. I will let you know what I find.
I should also mention that I also tried uping the timeouts even more in the two files you changed to 5 seconds - and even that did not work - so something really very odd specifically with my keyboard. I will keep you updated.
It turns out that other people with this keybard have had issues with full PS2 compatibility. The model is a Perixx PERIBOARD-409 in case you are wondering.
Non USB, right?
It's cheap, I can afford to buy it so I try it too ;-)
Hi Fabrizio, Yes that is the correct keyboard link on Amazon for the Perixx PERIBOARD-409. I did a quick Google and found a number of amazon reviews that said it did not work on older hardware correctly - but otherwise the review scores were really high so I did not notice them until I had issues...
The good news is that I was able to get my hands on a Microsoft MultiMedia Keyboard 1.0A from work and that one works great.
I will still be looking at the other keyboard on the logic analyzer to see if I can help debug this issue..
FYI - another keyboard by Perixx called the Periboard-107 works fine with the KeyboardVirtualKeys tests unlike the Periboard-409
Now I also have my Perixx Periboard 409 keyboard! With a bit of patience and hard work with a logic analyzer, now finally it seems to work! Please install last snapshot. FabGL has grown a lot, so there are aspects that I may not have tested, so I ask for your cooperation ...
FabGL has grown a lot, so there are aspects that I may not have tested, so I ask for your cooperation ...
my working CHERRY ML-4100 keyboard keeps working ;) Thats also good :)
I can report that the latest MASTER code now works on all 3 of my PS/2 keyboards. Previously, 2 of them only worked with the 1.02 version. Whatever change was committed in the last week or so seems to have addressed keyboard initialization issues I was experiencing.
Hi, it is working now with the keyboard I originally reported. Thanks! Sorry it tooks so long for me to get to your update. Would you like me to close this request now ?
Glad to hear this! Yes, please close the issue.
The issue has been resolved - perixx periboard-409 is now working
Hi Miguel , FabGL tragets, serial, PS2 (or USB keyboards with USB to PS2 adapter plug). Many USB keyboards can support PS2 mode with an simple wire adapter. You can still buy USB to Keyboard/Mouse adapters on Ebay and Amazon - NOT to be confused with PS2 to USB adapters (wrong conversion direction) There are also PS2 Keyboards available. I use a Perixx PERIBOARD-409 PS2 keyboard I got from Amazon
On 7/12/2021 3:55 PM, Miguel Magno wrote:
Does FabGL support USB keyboards?
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Keyboard input does not work for several examples. I am using Arduino 1.8.14 and esp32 1.0.6 with a vga32_v1.4 board. Tested on May 9th with fresh git clone of you repo: d43d3e93fd2815c1253e4c49790e1989cc0850c9 branch 'master' of
Tests I tried: GraphicalUserInterface - PS2 keyboard Test Modal Dialog typing works fine HardwareTest - PS2 keyboard test typing works fine AnsiTerminal - PS2 keyboard is not detected - does not respond to any key input including F12 Altair8800 - PS2 keyboard does not respond to any key except for the F12 key