fdivitto / FabGL

ESP32 Display Controller (VGA, PAL/NTSC Color Composite, SSD1306, ST7789, ILI9341), PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Controller, Graphics Library, Sound Engine, Game Engine and ANSI/VT Terminal
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ESP32-S3 with USB mouse and keyboard support #327

Open fellowgeek opened 1 year ago

fellowgeek commented 1 year ago

Hello, It is feasible to utilize FabGL on an ESP32-S3 board with built-in USB mouse and keyboard support, instead of PS2.

soporteimatt22 commented 8 months ago

Hola, Es factible utilizar FabGL en una placa ESP32-S3 con soporte para teclado y mouse USB incorporado, en lugar de PS2.

that you were able to compile any of the fabGL examples using an esp32-s3? as???