fdivitto / MSP

Arduino MSP (MultiWii Serial Protocol) library
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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How to get Armed state? #4

Open rafaelmaeuer opened 3 years ago

rafaelmaeuer commented 3 years ago

Hey and thanks very much for this great library.

I tried all day to figure out how to get the armed state with MSP from cleanflight. It seems to be able with the getActiveModes function and MSP_MODE_ARM flag. But I have no idea how to get the value I need.

I just want to get a 1 if UAV is armed and otherwise a 0.

virtualfish commented 3 years ago

Hello, here is an example on how you can read the armed state:

if (activeModes>>MSP_MODE_ARM & 1) 
else println("NOT ARMED");

I hope I have been helpful.

rafaelmaeuer commented 3 years ago

wow thanks so much - it is working now. Here is my working code if anyone else needs this in the future:

#include <MSP.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

MSP msp;
SoftwareSerial mspSerial(10, 11); // RX TX

void setup() {
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only


void loop() {
  msp_status_ex_t status_ex;
  if (msp.request(MSP_STATUS_EX, &status_ex, sizeof(status_ex))) {

    uint32_t activeModes = status_ex.flightModeFlags;
    if (activeModes>>MSP_MODE_ARM & 1) 
    else {
      Serial.println("NOT ARMED");

So is there a same way to get the IMU calibration state? And is it possible to auto-calibrate the IMU on startup with cleanflight?

virtualfish commented 3 years ago

Yes, you can read the calibration data requesting the MSP_CALIBRATION_DATA but I don't know if there is a command to do the calibration process.

rafaelmaeuer commented 3 years ago

OK this is strange, I get nothing printed in console when using this code: (Whether calibrating via Cleanflight-Config or remote control...)

void loop()
  msp_calibration_data_t calib_data;
  if (msp.request(MSP_CALIBRATION_DATA, &calib_data, sizeof(calib_data))) {

    int16_t accZeroX = calib_data.accZeroX;
    int16_t accZeroY = calib_data.accZeroY;
    int16_t accZeroZ = calib_data.accZeroZ;
    int16_t accGainX = calib_data.accGainX;
    int16_t accGainY = calib_data.accGainY;
    int16_t accGainZ = calib_data.accGainZ;
    Serial.print("accZeroX: " + String(accZeroX));
    Serial.print(" accZeroY: " + String(accZeroY));
    Serial.println(" accZeroZ: " + String(accZeroZ));
    Serial.print("accGainX: " + String(accGainX));
    Serial.print(" accGainY: " + String(accGainY));
    Serial.println(" accGainZ: " + String(accGainZ));

What am I doing wrong???