fdocr / martilla

Easy to configure DB backup tool for simple everyday use on UNIX based systems
MIT License
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I cannot provide password that contains `&` character #16

Open Glorf opened 4 years ago

Glorf commented 4 years ago

Hi martilla, First of all, very good work! Here is first of a bunch of issues I've found while getting this script production-ready in my private cloud's backup

I have a password that contains & character. When I provided it in configuration file, the bash script did not compile, which caused mysqldump to fail sailently. It created 4kb empty file and uploaded it to my s3. Ruby-escaping (\\&) the character fixed the problem. However, I think it should be fixed on exec evaluation step (evaluating bash formulas inside the program is generally not a good idea at all...)

fdocr commented 4 years ago

Happy to know you're considering using the tool, thanks a lot for the reports @Glorf! Definitely taking them all in consideration for the next release.

Out of curiosity, are you using the ENV variables available for passwords? MYSQL_PASSWORD & PG_PASSWORD for storages & AWS config variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY).

In any case, you're absolutely right about the character escaping & encoding. I'll be following up when I have an update.

Glorf commented 4 years ago

Hi, no I passed the passwords in file and don't use ENVs