fdocr / martilla

Easy to configure DB backup tool for simple everyday use on UNIX based systems
MIT License
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Travis CI #5

Open fdocr opened 4 years ago

fdocr commented 4 years ago

Integration with Travis CI would be very useful!

This might be a little tricky because I'm envisioning a test suite that would leverage multiple DB backups being run along with the test suite, I haven't researched if this is currently possible in Travis.

For local development maybe a docker-compose file would help recreating all databases required for the test suite to run.

All ideas and help is greatly appreciated!

fdocr commented 4 years ago

CI tests were introduced with #10 but not to the extent I wanted. We're still lacking tests that execute a sample "dump" on different supported databases. For now it's just assertions for the parameters sent to the commands to be run (pg_dump/mysqldump/etc).

This is because it was very challenging to setup these tests and at the same time cover multiple Ruby & DB versions. So for now we do have Continuous Integration with a sample test suite, but I'll keep this issue open in case anyone thinks of a way to improve our coverage and the fidelity of the test suite.