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[Haxe 4.0] Support of `arrow functions` #1411

Open SlavaRa opened 7 years ago

SlavaRa commented 7 years ago


markknol commented 7 years ago

This is not part of Haxe 3.4 but will be in Haxe 4.0

markknol commented 7 years ago

Is there any work done regarding the arrow functions? This might be released "soon", would be nice if the support is already there, to give users a good first impression.

Neverbirth commented 7 years ago

I guess this is up to @SlavaRa. I wanted to test them together with some other things yesterday, but I see there are no nightly builds yet...

markknol commented 7 years ago

In fact soon means its already in nightlies https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe/pull/6209

Gama11 commented 7 years ago

The problem is that nightly builds are broken. :) https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe/issues/6149

SlavaRa commented 7 years ago

@Neverbirth I can complete the code parser and generators for this, but we need to decide whether we will release it(in FD|HD). It is not known when it will be released in Haxe, and changes in the editor will have to do a lot

nadako commented 7 years ago

I think the sonner IDEs supports that - the better, because some people are actually using bleeding edge haxe versions.

markknol commented 4 years ago

I notice that if I do


it turns into:

_movie.completed((() -> {  }|

Which is a ( too much.

But ideally I dont want this feature, because why does it force to use { } here (its called short arrows for a reason 😛)? Can I somehow turn of the feature?

Or otherwise I would just have it only generate this:

_movie.completed(() -> |
SlavaRa commented 4 years ago

_movie.completed((() -> { }|

(() - it's BUG :(

Or otherwise I would just have it only generate this:

Tools -> User Config Files... -> Snippets -> haxe -> generators -> AnonymousFunction.Haxe4.fds