Closed fdschneider closed 7 years ago
This is a bit related to issue #8 and the recoding of (certain) categorical into dummy variables. It might work for some but not all traits. Maybe we can generally go for factors and keep them as logical if we loose information or if it cannot be done otherwise.
I agree with Caterina that this is related to the other issue, so I will close this issue and comment on issue #8
Some variables that were suggested by the data owners are logical/boolean/binary (yes/TRUE/1, no/FALSE/0). In our trait list, I would avoid that and suggest them as factor levels of one single trait (e.g. wing type). But by asking for this, we might risk the data owners to leave these data out of the template.
I might come up with a way to combine those traits into a categorical through the R-script, but its a challenge.
Some very specific logical traits do exist, though, like 'Urwaldreliktart' or 'treehole_specialist'.